I got this tea a few weeks back from the bulk bin. I’m not a huge drinker of white teas, I tend to find them a little too subtle for my tastes (little terri wanted me to write “boring”, she may be young, but she has grown up tastes).
I’ll try anything once or twice, so I did.
It’s not bad. The tangerine flavor is very light, over a bed of slightly creamy oatiness. A gentle & pleasant cup, a good contrast to the Qimen, kind of like those light & fruity sorbets they serve a teeny tiny scoop of at super fancy restaurants to cleanse the palate. I never eat at those places, but I have played my harp at a lot of fancy events like that, where they make a big deal over every course. Its fun to watch!
I still haven’t tried that one, or the strawberry green either.
hey look.. you’re awake! grin it’snot too shabby for a white :)