First…this is VEGAN.
2nd…check out these ingredients! What an interesting Combo! Pu-erh, Vegan Chocolate Chips, Cane Juice, Chocolate, cocoa butter, vanilla, cherries, chile peppers, etc.
Once infused it does smell like pu-erh and chocolate, mostly. It’s stronger than before infusion, too! Prior to infusing I could smell a bit of cherry as well.
It’s infuses to a dark brown.
First sip…YUM! Smooth, sugary-smooth, chocolaty! Creamy! Vanilla-Creamy-smooth! As I continue to sip I can pick up a bit more on the cherry notes. They are subtle but the creamy texture and flavors shine. The chocolate and vanilla contribute to that. But I can taste the chocolate more than the vanilla.
Oddly…I can taste the Chipotle Chiles right smack dab in the middle of the sip – they poop in and out really quick. They don’t linger and they are subtle but fascinating!
I seriously LOVE this. Perhaps just as much for the texture as the taste. Sure – more chocolate is always welcome – but this has a nice amount featured in it.
Lovely! Wonderful! Pure delight! Excellent blend of flavors! WOW!
Sounds yummy!!!