I’m on a tea-buying hiatus in order to control the massive amount of space my tea cupboard takes up. I bought over 100 types (not including any samples) in only 3 months. ;~; So, no more tea buying! Even samples! But somehow, a small (5 sample) order from The Persimmon Tree snuck in. At $1 a sample + free shipping I couldn’t really resist since there were a few flavors I’d really been meaning to try. This was not one of them, but I’ve never had lotus flavored tea so I was curious.
I’ve had a lot of lotus-flavored snacks: one of my favorite things to pick up in Chinatown is candied lotus root (even if it does trigger a bit of my tryophobia). It’s got this juicy, crisp quality very reminiscent of watermelon with a nice earthiness too. So I foolishly hoped this tea would taste like that, despite it being stated as anise-like with a hint of vanilla. Well, those flavors are definitely there and quite pleasant actually, but the base green… oh my god. Mushy canned peas. I HATE peas, and this tea is all steamed veggies. Not nice, fresh from the garden veggies (I’ll even eat peas if they are very fresh)… canned veggies that have been sitting in a grocery store for 2 years. I had 2 sips and had to pour it out, it was making me nauseous. If it weren’t for the anise/vanilla at the end, this would get a big fat rating of 1. But really, you don’t want vanilla in your canned peas. It might actually make it worse!
LLAP. :(