I have a confession to make. The first time I was given a sample of this tea by a friend, I sent it to someone else. Back then the tea scared me, as I’m only very recently coming around to appreciating smoky teas. So, I am glad that I was given another sampling to try from TeaEqualsBliss now that my palate has come to accept that smoky flavor.
This is really good. One of the nicest smoky teas that I’ve tried, actually. It is rich and robust and flavorful, with lovely tones of caramel and malt and earth mingling with the smoky tones. It is a very enjoyable cup.
I would review this tea, but your review sums it up nicely :) That, and what Morgana said, it is more than just ‘slightly smoky’ and it satisfied my need for anything smoky without having to delve further. I love Kusmi, so I’ll stop right here :)