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I quite liked this offering. It was sweet, but complex. For the price it’s an incredible bargain. – Brad – Sarah didn’t like.
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This is an excellent tea. Not at all vegetal, but not dark or toasty either. Pretty much exactly what I like in an oolong. – brad.
Too roasted for my tastes. There’s really nothing about it I like.
We both liked this one, though it was fairly plain. Will probably buy some.
We both liked this one. Sweet. Definitely will purchase.
This is an extremely flavorful oolong. It has strong notes of clove and cinnamon. It’s the perfect tea for a fall day.
Ok, but some weird elements I sisnt like.
Brad – good but not the best tgy. I would buy again. Sarah – meh, not worth getting again.
This is better than the regular pi lo chun from adagio, but still terrible.
Didn’t like this at all. Yuck.