What is your favorite tea in winter season?

Do you only drink teas or are you open to drink tisanes also??
Share with me your favorite.

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14 Replies
AllanK said

My favorite tea in Winter and Summer is Ripe Puerh. But I also drink Raw puerh and black tea as well as the occasional oolong. More rarely green tea. Season doesn’t really effect my tea drinking.

andresito said

same here, season doesn’t really matter to me. I drink whatever I’m in the mood for. Although I only really drink cold tea or cold brewed tea in the summer.

Puerh is my favorite for all the year, especially in the mornings. It just makes me feel brand new. However, a good friend of mine for holidays likes to drink a blend of caramel oolong, so I wanted to explore what other teas are good for the season

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MrQuackers said

The other day I had David’s Tea, Forever Nuts.

It reminded me of warm cookies for some reason. To me, that is winter tea.

Thank you!! do you know by any chance what are the ingredients of the tea?

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LuckyMe said

I drink the same teas all year round but I do reach for darker teas more often during the winter. Wuyi oolongs are especially warming on cold days.

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TreeGal said

I like “richer” teas, that may have more chocolate notes or spicy notes. And definitely almost all darker teas. I drink chais in winter, too, but not so much in warmer weather.

Yeah!! I love Chai for winter!!

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I live in a place where it never even gets cool—Bangkok—but I try to pretend we’re having winter by making masala chai sometimes. We do have a cool season, and it was down into the upper 70’s this morning (26-7 C range), our version of fall jacket weather, except you really don’t need a jacket. I suppose I do also drink a bit more black tea when it’s cooler and slightly less green, but then I always drink more black tea than green, and alternate both.

Thanks John! I love homemade masala chai, you should share your recipe with me. For me I like puerh a lot, but sometimes I have a thing for the green especially the Japanese ones like Iccha Kariban because is not too astringent.

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I drink all teas and tisanes at any time of the year, but winter (since I live in the snowiest of New York) I reach for any chai and Earl Grey teas more often than the rest of the year. Chai for the warming spiciness and Earl Grey because it helps my mood on the dark winter days.

Yes, sir!! there is nothing like a good and spicy Chai what is your favorite brand to prepare this one?

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I drink earl grey all year round, but like a gingery or camomile tea in the winter as well.

I love chamomile, specially at night it helps me to sleep and relax before bed-time.

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