Getting a New Infuser for a Tetsubin

I have a Tetsubin (Japanese Cast Iron Teapot) and the infuser is starting to get holes in it: I’ve had it for 4.5 years.

The infuser needs to be 3.5 inches in diameter and cannot be much more than 3 inches tall. My internet searches have yielded no results.

If anyone has any ideas for how I could find an infuser of this size so that it will remain suspended with the tea leaves in the tea pot, please let me know. Thanks!

9 Replies
OMGsrsly said

Is there a Daiso or Japanese market anywhere near you? They will have them, but marked in mm sizes.

Or Amazon.

I don’t have any Japanese markets near me unfortunately. This Amazon post is a fine backup, but not ideal as one of the reviewers said it only goes 1.5" deep, which is not deep enough imo.

I looked and think this one could fit.

This one is cutting it close, but I wonder if it can be better to go with a deeper infuser. I feel that deeper infusers will provide better tasting tea that has better distribution of flavor.

OMGsrsly said

There are a ton of them on Amazon, that is just the first example I found. I don’t even know what 3.5 inches is in mm.

Okay. Well thank you for the recommendation.

Rasseru said

a good idea is taobao or aliexpress – I cant remember what the search term was but you can get metal stamped infusers just like the ones in teapots for very cheap a lot of different sizes, you might find just the right one

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LuckyMe said

Try, they carry replacement infuser baskets in all different sizes. I ordered a couple of them recently and they fit my pots well. Theirs were actually higher quality than the cheap-o infusers that came with my teapots.

This looks promising. Thank you!

I ended up ordering one with a handle that’s 2.6 inches deep, should be the right size for the tetsubin.

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Dr Jim said

Upton has some as well, but it doesn’t look like their’s are as big as you need.

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