Tea and Nerds

81 Replies

I’d call this group “geeks,” personally. I’ve been called both innumerable times, and neither bothers me, but I subscribe to the definition of “nerd” as a geek who geeks for academics specifically. It’s a definition that makes sense, fits the usage I’ve run into the most, and is geekily nit-picky. LOL.

I think it’s combinations of:
a) The internet has a higher proportion of geeks/nerds.
b) I suspect geeks are more likely to join a social media site for an interest of theirs in order to discuss it and obsess over it even more deeply than they could otherwise. (I actually cannot think of even a single serious interest of mine where I haven’t tracked down at least one discussion forum for it, if not several, just so that I can discuss said interest in the most minute detail with others.)
c) If you accept the idea that more-than-casual tea drinking is kinda counter-culture in the West, well, counter-culture things tend to run together.
d) Plus there seem to be a disproportionate number of tea-drinking characters in shows/movies/books geeks love.

Alphakitty said

I think a lot of people DO start drinking tea because of media they enjoy, Sherlock Holmes and Picard being the best examples I can think of. But I do know someone who started drinking tea cause Giles from Buffy did and it looked “so fancy.” Once you start, even with lower-grade bagged tea, it’s pretty easy to become a “tea addict” so to say!

tunes&tea said
I enjoyed this response.I’ve never thought in depth about the differences between nerd&geek really.I chuckled at your comment about “tracking down atleast one social forum”,guilty as well.If it’s something your passionate about there is,for me,great satisfaction in"discussing in the most minute detail with others"the inner workings of such an interest.
Epi Tea said

Captain Picard’s liking for earl grey was what initially drove my conversion from coffee to tea. Way back when, Earl Grey was my first cup of tea all thanks to the valiant captain.

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About the anime and cosplay, what happens is that people interested in Japanse language and culture will inevitably have contact with green tea. I got into green tea after learning Japanese and traveling to Japan.

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JasonCT said

Nerd reporting for duty.

Though not a gamer kind. I’m more of the voracious reader, piano playing, lover of the arts kind.

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Kittenna said

Every time I see this topic, I think Frank has created a 52teas blend including Nerds candy…. or a Nerds-candy-flavoured blend. Without fail.

That’s what I thought at first too. Don’t feel stupid. LOL.

Azzrian said

I am also guilty of thinking this!

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Geek/Nerd/Anglophile here. I’ve never gamed and am not a Trekkie, but I’m a big Tolkien geek (anyone excited that they are now making three Hobbit films with more backstory from the appendices and possibly The Silmarillion?) as well as Harry Potter, Doctor Who, BBC’s Sherlock, Firefly and many other books/films/shows that are escaping me right now, but I think those are the most relevent in terms of fandom.

I have a passion for ancient Celtic and Germanic cultures, mythology and religion. I’m also an artist and poet but of really obscure subject matters (see above). I’m admittedly a bit obsessive and tea culture has become the newest thing to feed that.

Though the idea of Harry Potter, Doctor Who and Sherlock blends offered on sites like Adagio appeal to me, I’ve never ordered any and am more likely to spend my money on rare pu’erhs and oolongs from Verdant, I have a limited tea budget some I’m careful how I spend it.

I miss Firefly. I’ve never read the graphic novels… but it’s good to know the story at least continues :D

tunes&tea said
Great response.Love Tolkien.Am a Trekkie to some degree,but also relieved to see someone mention history as a passion.As I said in my response,you enjoy those things becuase you want to,not because they’re popular.

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tunes&tea said
I am nerd,but not because of my interests or hobbies.I,as all nerds probably share a common thread ,am nerd because I like what feels goood to me.My interest are a mish-mash of things not relevant one to another.Tea is currently one of my most prominent interest,but the list jumps around in many directions. From sci-fi/fantasy to music of all sorts.I like to use my brain(though it easily gets strained)and I really love to experience new things.Gaming is near and dear to me,but with family and work obligations I don’t have much time to get lost in Tamriel. I consider’nerd’to be of the highest compliments,and the word’mainstream’(which is handa&hand with’normal’)to be something to fear.If you choose to be counted with the masses rather than march to the beat of a different drummer,then you could be in danger of being lost in that crowd.Worse yet,how do you escape the crowd when it’s being lead like lambs to the slaughter(hope this doesn’t sound too cynical).

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Epi Tea said

This is a great anthropological question.

I am too quite a nerd/geek. Sci-fi nerd, history geek, gamer, the whole lot. It is really quite interesting to think that there would be something about an individuals character which would draw them to something like tea.

Although the fact that this discussion may have shed some light on the “tea drinker’s personality” I would be inclined to ask where one lives. In America, quality tea is not consumed to any large extent in the context of the entire population. It has a small (yet rapidly growing) following here in the US. So would the fact that nerdiness and tea-liking-ness go hand in hand in America because they are both non-average in America? Do subcultures of different types attract to one another?

The reason why I ask this is that in the rest of the world of course, tea is very common. It is in numerous countries extremely important to the daily lives of the general population as a whole, unlike in the U.S.

Now, I don’t know if everyone who has commented on this thread is from the U.S. nor would I ever assume so. So, what do you think? In the context of American culture, do you think that tea and nerdiness, both being subcultures, attract one another?

Also note, that even if this is true, it will undoubtedly change. As the U.S. market for whole leaf tea is currently on a path of exponential increase.

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Lynxiebrat said

I’ve noticed a fair amount of overlap in various communities. Like for instance my last time at a Scifi Convention or Ren Faire event, I have spotted people from the local Pagan and LGBT communities, and somewhat often they would be dressed in an outfit or at least a tshirt reflecting the mood/theme of the event. I think generally, those of us who havn’t found acceptance in mainstream society for various reasons, or have rejected mainstream society for various reasons, (For me it is both.) seeking out social connections based on our interests becomes a great substitute. Now, not that I’m saying that everyone or even most people here are what I described above, or have rejected mainstream, just illustrating examples.
Now back to the topic: I am Lynxie…and I am a Tea Geek. Like many people, I didn’t connect much with the word nerd or geek til last few years, and realizing, to certain extents the labels do fit. I don’t have much of a tea collection yet, which sometimes gets to me, but luckily this forum does help stem the craving. (Though occasionally makes it worse like when I’m viewing the Tea Stash thread or What are you ordering thread.lol.) I geek out over books, yarn, (At the moment I knit using one of those looms from Jo-ann Crafts. One of these days I do want to learn how to knit traditionally.) Finding new social networks of various interests. Bookmarking blogs and websites that sell funky clothing or other items. I am into Rockabilly and Steampunk, Somewhat into traditional Goth, though not enough to actively refer to myself as Goth. And Ren Faires and SciFi conventions of course. I wish I wasn’t so broke, otherwise I would be able to get to more stuff like that. There are quite a few Ren Faires here in Michigan, and a hell of alot of different conventions. Ahh well. I least I have some tea to console me.

Welcome to the club Lynxie. Don’t worry, your stash will grow. Soon you will have the pleasant problem of having too much tea! Btw the term “traditional Gothic” makes me giggle. Lol

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