Magnificent. I am really tempted to say that this is my favorite tea I’ve ever had. I’m a big fan of oolongs, plus toasted/nutty/spicy flavors. Needless to say, this tea has it all for me. It’s got a wonderful balance of flavors, and with a hint of rock sugar it is perfectly sweet for my tastes. I especially love it with Sweet Oolong Revolution from Teavana as well.

I keep a huge a** tin of this at all times and frequently dedication mediations sessions in gratitude of this tea (I’m exaggerating of course…but I could conceivably dedicate a shrine to this tea). That’s okay if you think I’m crazy, because I am crazy…for this tea. :)

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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I like tea. A lot.


Colorado Springs, CO

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