This is an ordinary tea. Simple, but good, black tea flavored with coconut flakes and chocolate chips.
The coconut flavor and aroma is present and will certainly please coconut lovers. It could, perhaps be a little bit stronger. The biggest disappointment is the chocolate. Silver Leaf uses mini-chocolate chips to flavor their chocolate teas (probably the bittersweet kind). Chocolate chips are far too weak to properly give tea a chocolate flavor.
The biggest disadvantage they have is their size and weight. Chocolate chips don’t blend well with dry tea leaves. In scooping out the tea for the pot, we found that we only had 2 chips in the mix. This required reaching back into the bag and plucking out the chips individually to ensure we had some more in the pot. On top of that – how many is the right amount? The fact that we have to think about the balances of tea blending in a tea that is already supposed to be blended is a no-no.
Lightly ground cocoa beans would be a more refined and flavorful way to add a chocolate flavor to tea. The size and weight of the ground cocoa would blend more thoroughly and easily with the tea leaves giving the drinker a more consistent cup.
On average, because of the issues with blending chocolate chips with tea this tea if much more often a coconut tea than anything resembling a chocolate flavored one.
I very much agree. I find chocolate chips in tea bothersome. They don’t flavor it all that well. They’re never as darkly chocolate as I’d like. I worry that they will add calories and I won’t know how much. And finally, I never know if they have dairy in them.
I very much agree. I find chocolate chips in tea bothersome. They don’t flavor it all that well. They’re never as darkly chocolate as I’d like. I worry that they will add calories and I won’t know how much. And finally, I never know if they have dairy in them.
Absolutely agree! I’ve been disappointed lately with my flavoured teas, figuring that I should perhaps just buy myself some decent black and add my own chocolate or coconut shreds or whatever! Most of the time it’s not worth paying extra for the “extras”!