This has officially supplanted Read My Lips as my teagasm of choice.
katgolik bought a small 14g sample of this, didn’t much care for it, and traded me for it.
My first smell was absolute heaven, my first taste was better than (I’d like to say my first kiss, but honestly I’ve managed to forget it…) … so better than anything I can ever remember trying for the first time.
This tea blows my head off, leaves my socks in a crumpled heap on the floor, and lifts my poor depressed ass for take off. I spin around merrily after drinking this, the lovely taste of the finest raspberry sponge cake in my mouth, and the magical smell of warmchocolatesundrenched raspberries floating in the air.
The first night I tried this, I dreamt about it all night long, and promptly ordered 100g on the website.
Oh, Chocolate Rocket, my love, my darling – there is no finer tea than you.