Japanese Cherry

Tea type
Green Tea
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Edit tea info Last updated by Roswell Strange
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180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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From Tea Desire

A classic of the flavoured green teas. With a taste of deep red cherries and slight almond cherry pit note.

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2 Tasting Notes

16992 tasting notes

I got an interesting phone call today…

It was the district/general manager for the calendar chain I work at. He was asking me if I would be interested in being the manager for a new branch they’re opening up at a mall here in the city. It was totally unexpected, and not something I had applied for or anything (I’ve only been working there just over a month now) – but I said yes because A) More hours means more money, B) I’d get a pay raise (which is awesome because I’m currently a minimum wage monkey), and C) It’s at a location even closer to my house! Only negative is it looks like I’d have to push back my trip up to Regina for Christmas by maybe a week or so (And I was already leaving to go after Christmas by more than a few days, so it’ll be a very late Christmas for me…). However, I am now in the running for this position and will likely hear back by Friday evening. Wish me luck?

Anyway – I made this for my morning tea as part of my initiative to drink up some of the blends I have excess of which I don’t plan on restocking or am unsure about restocking. This one falls into the unsure category. For preparation, I steeped a slightly heaping tsp. for 2 minutes in about 6 -8 oz. of water (the mug holds 8 oz. but I didn’t fill it completely – so maybe it’s closer to 6 oz.). The water was roughly 90 degrees celsius, so I’m hoping it wasn’t too hot but not really anticipating the best. I was being really impatient as I made this.

On a whim, I also poured about 1 1/2 tsp. of the peach syrup type stuff from the can of halved peaches I’m also eating.

Smell, is green tea with sort of a bubble-gum(y) bordeaux cherry aroma – which is like how it was last time. I think it’d smell good if not for the very vegetal scent of the green tea. It’s also a little medicinal cherry smelling – and that too is a turn off. The taste is very green tea, with the bubble gum bordeaux cherry mildly flavouring it. The aftertaste is a medicinal and leaves a funny taste in my mouth. I can’t taste how the peach syrup is tying into the flavour.

I guess I’d describe this tea as adequate. Maybe it’d be more to the taste of someone who actually likes green tea.

EDIT: After I’d finished my peaches, I poured off another tsp. or two of the peach juice into the tea, and this time I was able to pick up the peach alongside the cherry and it was actually much better. It really helped drown out the vegetal green tea, but I guess didn’t do a whole lot to fix the aftertaste. Now I want peach/cherry Bubblegum tea (which I STRONG Hubba Bubba type bubble gum flavour – or like, those little pink Double Bubble gums), maybe with a nice, light white tea base. Ooh! Or Double Bubble Mate tea would be good.


That is super awesome, congrats and good luck!

Roswell Strange

Thank you! Fingers crossed, but not keeping my hopes up TOO high. Either way, it’s nice to be recognized so quickly as that good of an employee. While I loved my job at the theatre and appreciated the recognition I received there, it certainly wasn’t anything like this.


amazing! good luck!


Good luck! :) Sounds like a great offer!


Good luck!!


Good luck!

Roswell Strange

Got the call about 15 minutes ago – I am now a manager. It feels kind of weird, and I’m waiting for a package to be sent to me via email (internet keeps crapping out though). First thing I have to do? Choose whether to hire an employee or not. Then, I make the first schedule by Friday… And, I get my training on Friday – and on Saturday I train one of my new employees. :S


Congrats on the new job!

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