This post is skipping the queue, because I want one more post in, mainly to say that I’ll be away for a little more than a week as we are leaving for the UK tomorrow. I shan’t have time to access Steepster before then and internet access may be sporadic while we’re away because I don’t know if there will be wifi and I’m not made of money if there isn’t. The EU may have forced phone companies to lower roaming charges, but that hasn’t magically made it cheap. Just less expensive.
This is the one of two Assams that Husband and/or my Dad bought for me in Germany. I’ve had trouble describing the first one. There is a post about it in the queue and you’ll get the story of the purchase of the tea in that one. The words to describe it just wouldn’t come to me. I’m afraid I’ve got a similar problem with this.
The trouble is though that I’m having it at a moment where I’m fairly stressed as we’re going on holiday tomorrow and I’m not ready. I’ve got to do my packing and also have to cook dinner and also have to go to work tomorrow and leave on time and we’ll set off as soon as I get home. Argh! I won’t even have time to think between then and now.
Anyway, this was supposed to be a Life-Giving cup of tea, and it is, because it’s good and strong, but without being bitter or very astringent. There is some, but only of the pleasant sort. It’s very flavourful. It’s quite Assam-y with that funny cardboard-y note that is so characteristic of Assam and it even has a bit of raisin-y notes on the finish. In between it’s malty and a bit wood-y.
This is a very good tea and just what I need right now. I just wish it could also pack my suitcase for me.
Right. I’ve got a list of things to get on with. I feel like I’m having to work quite hard in order to go on holiday.
have a great time!
Have a good trip! :)
Enjoy your trip :)