Hot-T said

Looking For The Best Quality Most Natural Available White Tea!

The title says it. I love flavoured white tea as well. Finding out about pesticides in teavana threw me off. Looked it up after a weird after taste. Is David’s tea the same or better? I would like to order the best quality and most natural!

9 Replies

my favorite white tea is from Nature’s Tea leaf also has good quality ones.

Hot-T said

So these 2 brands have some without crappy chemicals in them? Thanks!

persimmon tree shouldn’t either. I have not tried my sample yet though. Arbor Teas won’t have crap either, but I have not tried them yet personally.

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Claire said

Hi Hot-T, a lot of the vendors you will find here on Steepster are very conscious about sourcing teas without pesticides. I am a fan of Verdant Tea, Mandala Tea, and I hear a lot of good things about Butiki.

There are vendors that carry certified organic teas as well, for example:

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Uniquity said

I would’t go to Davids for quality whites. I am not overly fond of white teas, but the white peony from Teavivre was pretty good. Unfortunately, guaranteeing no pesticide contamination is pretty hard to verify though there are a number of companies who do their absolute best to avoid it.

Hot-T said

I understand what you mean. However I’m sure all of these other places are a lot better than teavana and David’s. could you list a few of these places that try their best to avoid it? I would greatly appreciate it.

Uniquity said

I’m not sure I can.. I am sure some would disagree with me, but most tea leaves are likely to have pesticides. Verdant Tea works with small families rather than large scale operations and may be less likely to have pesticide results. I think Butiki teas functions on a similar scale, but am not positive. Even if the sources don’t use pesticides, run-off from neighbouring farms allows for contamination (as with other food products and organics). I don’t know of a singular company that claims to have completely chemical free leaves because I don’t think it’s possible. Many avoid artifical flavouring (though that’s a whole other kettle of fish. :D)

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Azzrian said

Shang Tea and China Cha Dao

Noticed White Lion has one too!

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