73 Tasting Notes
I liked this tea, although as one other person commented it tastes “thin.” the flavors are all there—nice chocolate, cinnamon, earthy puerh, but it just isn’t as strong as I would prefer. Compared to The Tea Spot’s Bolder Breakfast, this is rather light. (Although I suppose that is not quite a fair comparison because the Bolder Breakfast is a blend of black tea and puerh, so of course it would taste stronger than just pure puerh.)Anyway, as far as chocolatey teas go, this is good but not my favorite.
I really love this tea, even though the puerh flavor is somewhat overpowered by the black tea flavors. I found that, contrary to pretty much every kind of tea I have had, this one actually tastes better the longer you steep it. I discovered this on one of my busy, scatterbrained days when I left my tea steeping and completely forgot to remove the infuser after the customary 5 minutes I usually allot for black teas. It had been steeping 15-20 minutes and I thought “Oh no, it’s ruined. It is going to taste so bitter!” To my great surprise and delight, however, that was not the case! In fact it tasted so much more rounded, rich, thick, and bold, and silky. I loved it. So now that is how I regularly brew this tea: steeping anywhere from 15 to even 25 minutes. (Yes, it’s practically lukewarm by the time it’s ready, but it tastes so good I don’t care.)
My friend from Colorado gave me this tea and told me that she had employed a longer steeping time as well. She said she and her mother would even let the tea steep while they headed off to the gym, and then they would enjoy it when they got back!
The great thing about this tea is that they use real bits of fruit instead of just using berry flavoring. The result is that you are treated to an amazingly genuine, delicious, rich, berry-filled delight that is slightly sweet and slightly tangy! And the aroma is enough to make one’s mouth water. Oh so good! (Too bad it’s not organic though!)