170 Tasting Notes


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Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Yun Cui (Organic) by DAVIDsTEA
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180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Wintergreen Woods by DAVIDsTEA
170 tasting notes

First, I should note that right before drinking this, I had a TON of passion fruit sorbet, and the taste was still in my mouth when I drank it. I don’t know if it’s the combination, but wow, this was amazing! So different and soothing and minty and fresh.

I had a hard time deciding how much leaves to use. They don’t fit in any teaspoon, and the box says 2+ tsp per cup. I went pretty randomly, but I wonder if putting more or less would have made a big difference.

In any case, I’m really enjoying this. If you can, eat passion fruit sorbet before. It’s worth it. I swear!

Boiling 7 min, 30 sec
Daisy Chubb

If I can find passion fruit sorbet, I’ll do it! :D


I wonder whether using a 1/4 C measuring scoop would work to estimate quantity? By volume, that’s about 3 tablespoons.

The comments and tealogs on this stuff are so varied and interesting that I’m definitely going to have to try some.


It’s all gone! Tried to order a 25 gram bag (the only size listed) and it’s not available. Foo.

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200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 30 sec

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drank Gold Rush by DAVIDsTEA
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205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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drank Happy Kombucha by DAVIDsTEA
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200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Orange Blossom by DAVIDsTEA
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Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Tuo Cha Bonbons by DAVIDsTEA
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Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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drank Whisky White by DAVIDsTEA
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200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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Drinking what little I had left of this. How I regret not getting 100000 grams of it! This is my favourite DT ever, and I am still shocked that they didn’t make it permanent. I was so sure they would that I didn’t feel I had to stock up on it… at my local DT, it was clearly the biggest hit of the 2010 fall collection, and everyone I know who tasted it was in love! Sooo rich, creamy, bold, full, pure deliciousness! What a sad day, the day I found it wasn’t permanent, and that it was already sold out. Also sad was the day it didn’t win the Back from the dead poll. Those who voted for Fantasy Island never tasted this! It can’t be!

Farewell, Cocoa Paradiso, I will miss you a lot! I might tell my grandchildren how great you were when I get old.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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