This tastes so authentically like apple cinnamon applesauce that it almost weirds me out just a little. It is unlike any apple spice tea that I have ever tried. It is true, as others have noted, that the cinnamon is not very strong. I happen to think that it is just the right amount, but that’s just because I prefer less spice in my teas. Cinnamon applesauce and apples in an apple pie taste a lot more sweet than they do spicy, so from this perspective, the tea is spot on.
But, I will say again, it does weird me out just a little to feel like I’m drinking applesauce. This is a tea I’d have to be in the right mood for. Unfortunately, it is another one that sports a funky aftertaste so I dunno if I’ll try it again. I seem to have a bigger issue with aftertastes in flavored teas than anyone else, so anyone considering this tea shouldn’t take this observation too seriously.