570 Tasting Notes
We had a lilac tree in our backyard when I was growing up, and for about a week each year the entire house and yard would smell exactly like this tea. It was actually a little off-putting at first, but the taste of the jasmine is much more muted than that incredible smell. Otherwise, a very mellow, light green tea base. This is a tea that would be refreshing in the morning and relaxing in the evening. Perfect for sitting out in the garden with.
My favourite straight black so far. Earthy, smoky taste that reminds me of lapsang, but no bitterness and not overpowering. I can see it getting bitter if you oversteep it, and I’m not sure how it’s going to resteep. One steep wonder?
Now if only I could get my mother to switch to this from Red Rose . . .
Not bad. Lemongrass and cardamom are the two dominant tastes here, with something almost sickly sweet hiding in the background – not sure if it’s the coconut or the pineapple. Thought it was licorice at first. There’s a tickle of clove in the aftertaste. It threw me off at first because it brews almost clear, I hadn’t thought it brewed at all. Four minutes and it’s quite strong.
Accidentally made myself sick by drinking too much green tea in rapid succession, and all my peppermint is at work, so I made a cup of the spearmint. Not really a fan. If it helps my stomach I’ll finish the cup, but not going for a resteep.
Another nice tea. Not gonna be my favourite, but I might keep it around. Nice mellow, buttery flavour, very light and airy. I can see it lasting me through all the day if the leaves will resteep nicely. I can’t figure out how if I prefer this or the Tie Kwan Yin.