Thank you Stacy for this sample tea!
I’m not going to compare this Assam to the other Butiki Assam Tea’s. It would be unfair and disrespectful. The leaves are grown in different regions, and the trees along with climate are giving their best.
I’m looking at the liquor in a glass mug.
The clarity of it’s topaz color is very fine, and when the light catches a corner of the glass…gold and peach tones glisten.
I can smell maltiness.
Lifting the cup to drink, the malt smoothes to milk chocolate and finishes with caramel corn.
The flavor is soft and smooth.
Slurping the tea on the second sip (which I should have done in the beginning), I taste light citrus…very clean and fresh.
I’ve tasted an Assam Blend from Taiwan before, but not a pure Assam.
This tea is sweet and light. A tea that I would reserve for warmer months because of the liquid honey sweetness and clean varied flavors.