TTB Samples Only
I know that most people don’t like the added flavors but I am enjoying the fullness of the cup. The raspberry and chocolate are definitely the major taste and aroma with the black base pulling it all together. I’m quite enjoying the tea.

My little activity monitor isn’t working quite right this morning and did not measure my 2 mile walk :( I’ll never reach my goal unless I adjust it somehow. I always feel like I’m cheating if I adjust it. I have to lose the weight I put on while visiting my mother in Florida. I swear all we did was eat! I seem to have gained about 3 pounds. I’m losing some of it but it’s hard. So many tempting foods. At least I have all my lovely teas as a substitute, :)

Flavors: Chocolate, Raspberry

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

Tea really does help me not eat as much, I think.

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Tea really does help me not eat as much, I think.

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Retired first grade teacher. I tend to like dessert type/herbal teas as a substitute for sweet treats; flavored black teas and mates to get that energy that I am often lacking ;-p
My husband of 43 years thinks I’m nuts regarding the whole tea thing… but he bought me a Breville for Christmas, so what can I say. :-D
My other interests are reading (books go well with tea :D) and beading. I volunteer at my “old” school teaching reading and I volunteer for the blind. I am trying hard to lose weight ( I have now lost 40 lbs and I’m looking good in my skinny jeans, IMHO) I am now walking about 4.5 miles a day and I am trying to do some core work for about 30 min. 3x a week.

I have been watching Doctor Who for 33years. In case you can’t tell my avatar is two daleks drinking tea! I am always open to swapping Doctor Who books for tea. I have about 120 Doctor Who books that I am eager to send some to a fan. :D Let me know if you would like any books! I love that so many people have begun watching DW!

Also I love swaps, pm me if you’d like to do a swap.

Since I find others’ rating legends helpful, I added my own.

95-100 A once in a lifetime experience; the best there is; will keep this stocked until the cows come home

90-94 First rate; top notch; really terrific; will definitely buy more

80-89 Excellent; likely to become a favorite, will likely buy more

70-79 Very good; would enjoy again, might buy again if in the mood for this particular one or a better, similar version not available or it’s on a really good sale :-)

50-69 Good; wouldn’t pass up if offered, but probably wouldn’t buy again unless craving this particular flavor

Below 50 Meh! Wouldn’t bother drinking it again.


Elgin IL

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