The Tea Nation

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I just use bags, so proportions in boxes don’t work for me… but I brew it strong and then ice it and add more water as I need to. I keep the strong mix in the frig and use it for as long as it lasts— up to a week. I always use filtered water (zero filter).

Flavors: Raspberry

205 °F / 96 °C 8 min or more 8 tsp 24 OZ / 709 ML

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I don’t like too much sweets, so when I had this it had just the right amount of sweetness to it. The green tea balanced out the raspberry flavor very well. I could continue to drink this and never tire of it.

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This is one of, if not, my favorite green tea. [Yes, the picture says White Tea, but I’m going to go with the name . :)] It doesn’t have any funky business going on, and is great with a stick of cinnamon, or a candy cane stuck in there. Some people may think that’s sacrilegious, and I’m sorry, but it’s yummy.

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This is great! I’m definitely a fan. When you’re after a slightly fruity, earthy green tea, this will do the trick.

Flavors: Raspberry

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Yesterday, I decided to make sun tea with this tea. With the sun dancing on my deck the majority of the day, sun brewing was just beckoning me. I really get a kick out of watching the bottle transform into a deep amber throughout the day and nothing can beat the natural heat from the sun. mmm:]

I’m really quite impressed with this tea. The black tea is strong..which is a huge portion of what I was looking for in creating the Arnold Palmers that I craved. The vanilla is smooth and creamy and the almonds were nutty and roasty. Oh, yum. What a summertime treat I have in my hands today:]

Flavors: Almond, Vanilla

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drank Mango White by The Tea Nation
4338 tasting notes

’Here’s Hoping’ traveling teabox Round #2 // Tea #8
This paired really well with my raspberry shortcake tonight. The teabag also had to sink to the bottom of the mug, so I had to use my dipper infuser to nab it out… it reminded me of those fishtank grabbers, which is only from the movie ET for me. Anyway, this isn’t a bad little teabag. A decent taste of mango, sometimes candy sweet, sometimes a little plasticy, kind of like that lychee was earlier. The white tea paired well with it as well. Not the best white tea ever though. I’ve tried The Tea Nation’s Earl Grey and I liked that one too, though that one is better.
Steep #1 // 25 min after boiling // 2-3 min

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drank Earl Grey by The Tea Nation
7 tasting notes

Very mild taste with hint of Bergamot. Second favorite Earl Grey. Like it with milk and sweetener.

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This is not an especially flavorful tea. The raspberry flavor is good, but there’s minimal tea flavor. Kind of bland, but drinkable when a cup of tea is necessary.

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drank Earl Grey by The Tea Nation
129 tasting notes

I love Earl Grey, but this is not the quality I associate with Earl Grey.
I would not ever purchase this again.
The Bergamot is barely perceptible fragrance & taste wise.

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drank Mango White by The Tea Nation
1812 tasting notes

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drank Mango White by The Tea Nation
1812 tasting notes

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I loved the flavor. It is wonderful, where can I buy this tea?

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what is up with the rating? It will not let me rate the tea.

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I had a cup of this with abit of sugar. I like the tea pretty well. The mango is sweet with abit of tart of to it and is about a light to medium taste and the white is light and pleasant tasting.

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I had a cup of this earlier. A good light white tea with a medium mango taste. I think this is a good tea.

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I had this earlier. This is a teabag. Nice tasting white tea with a medium mango taste. I think this is pretty good.

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Thank you TeaEqualsBliss! Finally got to this one tonight. It’s very delicious. It has a bit of tartness to it, but it’s just the right amount! It’s also slightly juicy in a way :] Thanks again!!

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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We found this tea at TJ Maxx and grabbed a can. I like ginger, I like pineapple, and I think the two sound like they would be very good together. It would probably be much better to control what goes in the tea yourself.

This tea is legitimately horrible. It’s a nice dark tea, but the pleasantries end right there. There is no pineapple or ginger taste to it. At all. It’s bitter and tastes like nothing I can really explain. The scent isn’t any better. I hate to admit it, after choking down one cup, I just dumped my second when my roommate mistook it for chai.

I have almost a full tin left, and I need to think of who might want it so I can pawn it off on someone.

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I received this tea from a swap from Rachel. I let the water come to a boil then let it cool for 30 seconds before I added it to the tea. I let it steep for 3 minutes. I find this a nice simple black tea and the pom flavor is nice. Not to potent and not to delicate. I found I did enjoy this tea better with a little bit of raw honey added.

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