Following 296 Tea Drinkers

scribbles 188 followers

My tea journey started in 2012, when a friend gifted me some loose leaf. I g...

jump62359 117 followers

Kyra. 22. Tea lover. Food and Beverage lover (food, wine, beer, TEA) DCP Alum...

Jennkay 70 followers

I’m a California girl temporarily located in Boston for school (brrr). I only...

Kat_Maria 86 followers

ME & TEA I started drinking tea when I was a teenager, my dad used to mak...

Suziqzer 77 followers

37 yr old wife and mother who left her day job to take care of our son. Now ...

Cameron B. 342 followers

Hi, I’m Cameron! I’m a 30-something software engineer currently living in Au...

Kaylee 228 followers

she/her Geek and nerd (shoutout to GeekSteep). Still trying to get a handle o...

CelebriTEA 87 followers

48 yr old retired nurse from Indiana. I have 5 kids, 10 GrandAngels, ...

Charissa 42 followers

“You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me...

RandomCarpeDiem 57 followers

Tea Possessed Bibliophile Hiker Traveler Life Long Learner



I am tea obsessed, with the stash to match. I tend to really enjoy green oolongs, Chinese blacks, and flavored teas with high quality bases, especially florals, bergamot-based teas, and chocolate teas.

In my free time I am a birder, baker, and music/movie/tv addict.

Here are my rating categories, FYI:
100-90: Mind-blowingly good, just right for my palate, and teas that just take me to a happy place.
89-86: I really really like these teas and will keep most of them in the permanent collection, but they’re not quite as spectacular as the top category
85-80: Pretty tasty teas that I enjoy well enough, but definitely won’t rebuy when I run out.
79-70: Teas that I would probably drink again, but only if there were no preferrable options.
69-50: Teas that I don’t really enjoy all that much and wouldn’t drink another cup of.
49 and below: Mega yuck. This tea is just disgusting to me.
Unrated: Usually I feel unqualified to rate these teas because they are types of teas that I tend to not like in general. Sometimes user error or tea brewed under poor conditions.


Ohio, US

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