I went out to a farewell dinner for a friend of mine, so sad! On the upside, the food was freaking delicious. It was an Indian/Pakistani restaurant with a buffet. So basically, I just ate until I felt uncomfortable (I do not recommend this, haha). When I finally got home, I just needed something a little calm to balance out my crazy gorging of spicy Indian food. I didn’t want to deal with loose leaf, so I opted for the convenience of my favorite sachet tea.
Surprisingly, I haven’t had this in quite a few months, so I had the pleasure of an almost fresh perspective on this tea. I have found in many flavored teas that the flavors dominate and the base teas just fade away in the background. This tea was my gateway tea that really got me hooked on teas and start buying a bunch for home. Today, I can see why because I can definitely taste the grassiness and smooth quality from the green and white teas., but I’m also getting more of a floral note than usual. Of course, as usual, there is that punch of melon-y flavor that really got me hooked to this tea.
There were probably a few run-on sentences in there somewhere, but bear with me because I’ve been writing a group paper (those are the worst!) and stressing out over it. Thank goodness I now have this tea to keep me company!
LOL, I ate to discomfort tonight as well. Don’t try this at home, kids.