My mom bought some tea from Teavana’s heavenly sale this year and brought it up to my grandparents so we could try it. I also gave her an unopened pouch of their Dan Cong that I got from last year’s heavenly sale, since I’m still working through the other 6 oz. of it I got then, too!
This one had huge chunks of what looked like raspberries in there, but I couldn’t find raspberries in the ingredients themselves. Maybe those were the yumberries? I could also see the dried chunks of kiwi and strawberry. The oolong used was rolled in tight little balls – it was a greener oolong, maybe formosa? It smelled like vanilla/cream and fruit, but I don’t know why the vanilla was present because that’s not in the ingredients either!
Anyway – steeped this up at the below parameters, using a pretty sizable tsp. and a half. I figured it would be weak otherwise. The liquor was a very pale pink, and it retained the dry leaf smell. Tastewise, it was still quite delicate, but with a green oolong as the base that’s not too surprising. I really like it, actually. I used way too much leaf for it to be economical at its full price (well, back before it was discontinued!) but the slightly vegetal, creamy fruitiness would be fantastic iced.
This was one of four I made up today to have a mini tasting session with my grandparents and mom – it was so much fun to teach them about tea!