From my shou/yarn trade with sarsonator. Thanks! :)
Drank this at noon. Let’s see if I sleep tonight. lol.
It’s becoming more an more apparent to me that 160ml is just too damn big, especially for when i’m using mini tuos because that’s when I can’t adjust the amount of tea. Anyway, I can’t afford another yixing so I have to make due with the one I’ve got. for a few of the steepings I only filled 3/4 of the way and that seemed to help :)
rinse, rinse, pause, 5s, 10s, 20s, 30s, 6m
1st steeping (in and out, ~5s): Chocolaty goodness. All of my ripe puerhs seem to be tasting like this now. lol. I think this one tasted closer to milk chocolate than dark chocolate though.
2nd steeping [3/4] (10s): This one was kind of weak because I had let the water cool down by accident. My bad. Surprisingly the color was still really dark though!
3rd steeping [3/4] (20s): Temperature back up, the flavor is more like the 1st steeping again, mmmm, just not quite as chocolaty, more plain puerh flavor.
4th steeping [3/4] (30s): Chocolate gone, just simple sweetness.
5th steeping (6m): So I’m basically done at this point, just wanted to see what a long steep would taste like. Answer: EXACTLY like steep #4
All in all, a pretty good mini tou. I liked it :)
Flavors: Chocolate, Sweet
Yarn for tea! I love it!
I also really like this shou :)
The two best things! lol