This is another tea that I would not have purchased on my own, without a specific request for it. Fig fruit on its own, to me does not have a strong flavour. Bland is how I would refer to fig. That being said, I really LOVE Fig Newtons – maybe because of the added pastry/cookie type component (and sugar).
As good Teavana employee’s do, they wafted the aroma to me, and I thought ‘Whoosh!!! That is very aromatic!’ I also thought to self, I will forward most of this to the requestor of this blend.
I kept a little bit, because I wanted to try it despite the aroma to me was not appealing. The aroma of this tea has nothing to do with taste. I’m not drinking a fig newton cookie, but I am definitely drinking a (sweet) flavoured fig tea, with a bite acid from the apple pieces. Really, surprisingly good!! I wish I had kept more of this sample!!
The dry aroma is a more than a little off-putting to me. But the brewed aroma is not as strong, and the flavour delicious!!