Yesterday was a busy day…with a lot of food. It started at a brunch joint which brought a basket of baked goods to start and some tasty yum yums for brunch. I had cheesecake stuffed french toast coated in toasted coconut and drizzled with citrus honey syrup ( . From there I went and spent 4 hours getting my hair done ( then some relaxing before going out for my stepdad’s birthday dinner. We ended up at a sausage place called Wvrst where I got 2 sausages (one of which had tea in it :P) because I was starving and decided I wanted a ridiculous amount of food but didn’t take into consideration that we were going for ice cream and milkshakes afterwards. The ice cream we went for wasn’t just your everyday Baskin & Robbins either. We hit up Hollywood Cone for giant banana splits and mutant shakes which came with a full funnel cake on top ( , , So a salad sounded good today.
This is a fresh tea and has a great strawberry flavor. The mint is also present though I don’t know how much the rhubarb and hazelnut are contributing. The tea is good but a lot simpler in flavor than I thought given the name.
In other news, I apparently instagram my whole life :P
That brunch looks over the top fantastic.
Your hair! That milkshake! What a fantabulous day. I love it.
An good day would’ve been any single one of those pictures on it’s own! I especially want the milkshake :)