My hours have just been increased to actually, properly full time at work as of today, and I’m torn between rejoicing and being totally afraid this means I’m going to end up massively overtaxed with things to do. Especially since I’m currently sat in my office not able to do anything because all of the things rely on other people doing their bits first. Oh well. I’ve got articles to write up for Cultbox, and if I’d thought ahead to bring my tablet with me, I’ve got a couple books I need to review. There’s knitting in my purse, but that may be a little egregious should anyone find me mid-stitch when they come to knock on my office door. Never mind.

This blend is such an autumn/winter thing, all sweet, juicy apple and cinnamon and ginger, with a subtle but present backbone of brisk black tea. It’s slightly managing to smoosh down the fear that everything is just about to go terribly, horribly wrong, in any case.


Congrats for full-time! I would love a FT job right now, heh.

Sami Kelsh

It’s been a LONG time coming, for sure. And it may well not last beyond Christmas, but right now I’m swamped with work, which hopefully means it will!

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Congrats for full-time! I would love a FT job right now, heh.

Sami Kelsh

It’s been a LONG time coming, for sure. And it may well not last beyond Christmas, but right now I’m swamped with work, which hopefully means it will!

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My Time Lord name is the Brewmaster. Currently working on People Of Who, an exhibition of portraits of the people who made Doctor Who happen. Professional dilettante. Literary enthusiast, frustrated sometime writer. Knitter of things.


Probably a small grey sofa in Oxford



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