Tea Trade offers unique domains for free [8 Sept 2011] An update on Tea Trade
Announcement update:
September 8, 2011
Tea Trade has decided to allow all of our users to use their own, unique domain names on their Tea Trade websites, stores or blogs for free, forever.
When we looked around to see what the big blogging networks were doing about this same service, we found that they were charging money for it. We decided that, because it is so simple to do, that we should offer it for free.
If you own your own domain name and want to use it for your blog or website on Tea Trade, then you can now do that for free. Blogger charges money and so does WordPress.com – in fact, we are the only blogging and website network that offers this service to all of its members at no charge.
We want the Tea Trade Network to be the best place to host a tea blog or website, part of doing that is offering great services like this. If you want to have your website be something like MyTeaBlog.com, we can help you!
If you have a tea blog, we can help you migrate it to Tea Trade (where we will host it for free) and also support you in getting setup with your own domain name.
Thanks, I have decided to try it out so here it is…
For those of you that have received packages from me you know how fun they are to receive. :)
Rachel has two products listed in the marketplace and has sold both in the last few days! Congratulations!
Rachel is a great member of the Steepster community, be sure to come by and support her. http://teatrade.tinypay.me/#q=user:ss0YORHB
All of you are also able to join in and put some of your extra tea up for sale too!
I have one up too – not nearly as exciting. Mainly a test to see how it works.
Also, I’ve got an opinion on my blog:
I have currently have four listings, if anyone is interested.
The Simple Leaf’s Chloe and Shanti – http://teatrade.tinypay.me/~R6YL5Ul?iframe=0
Adagio’s Chai Sampler 6 Pack – http://teatrade.tinypay.me/~xn28woM?iframe=0
Adagio’s Mix Sample 4 Pack – http://teatrade.tinypay.me/~Xfq5Nlm
Adagio’s Rooibos Sampler 6 Pack – http://teatrade.tinypay.me/~2FbXfsy
i cannot for the life of me get a tea added. it will make a profile for the tea then direct me to paypal. i enter my info then it goes back to the log into paypal screen and no tea has been added. i tried with firefox & IE. any suggestions?
There was a bug discovered yesterday, the dev team is working on it. Hopefully the fix should be pushed out soon.
You can always access the marketplace through the alternate URL: http://teatrade.tinypay.me We haven’t been experiencing the bug that way.
I should have been more specific and said that the bug occurs with Firefox and with IE when using the marketplace in the primary URL (http://teatra.de/marketplace). Chrome and Safari aren’t experiencing it. The marketplace works fine through the alternate URL I listed above.
ah ha, it works fine with Safari. Thanks :) The only other thing I noticed is that I can’t seem to update the map for location. It lists my location incorrectly and when I correct it and save it goes back to the incorrect address when I check out the listing again.
The input bug has been corrected, the entire dev team was staring at the problem for 5 straight hours until it submitted. It seems that the login cookie was being blocked by IE and FF because they both use an older privacy policy (it’s actually fairly technical). Support for the policy was added to the server and its testing out okay.
If you still experience problems with it using the primary URL, simply clear your browser cache and then do a hard refresh on the page (shift-F5, or shift-refresh) that squash the problem for you!
joined, said there was an issue with paypal and my avatar being cropped.
Meantime, looks promising!
i think the layout of this site is great and its really easy to use.
so far i’ve added: organic jasmine pearls, strawberry oolong, organic irish breakfast, chrysanthemum double trouble, organic moroccan mint, lemon meringue rooibos, yunnan royal golden, classic earl grey, peach oolong, premium chai, coconut cream pie rooibos, and ginger rooibos.
Hey guys, I need to make room for more tea so I am offering an additional 2 FREE surprise samples of tea to any one that orders from me today. Here is my link…
BTW, “Thanks, Tabby” for being the first to take advantage of my offer. :-)
wow this is FUN! I am going to check it out and start listing my stuff from my website :) http://www.specialteabrew.com
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