pu-erh of the day. Sheng or Shou

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mrmopar said

Hey guys I brought a friend from another site to this one with a lot of puerh knowledge from the hktea forum site. The user name is dadian. I have read a lot of good posts from him. The language “barrier” is there but dadian is using translation services. I have told him friends always find a way to get past this.

Javan said

Thanks for encouraging him, and welcome dadian! I look forward to reading about your experiences with pu-erh.

Sil select said

YAY for new friends!

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mrmopar said

Had a 2007 Cnnp 6581 brick tonight. Did this one with short steeps water at boiling. I have had this one for a while in the pumidor. It has an almost flowery tart aroma to it. It was a very tightly compressed brick so I may have under leafed the cup. It tuned out pretty mellow with just a hint of orange color to it attesting that the aging is working ever so slowly since this is a brick. It has a light metallic taste to it with a sweet aftertaste to it. It is almost a slight flower aftertaste. Not the best but very drinkable sheng. For the money I paid I think it is an excellent performer in that category. I was kind of hesitant to try this after seeing it since it does have stems and rough looking leaves in it but I think it turned out pretty good.

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Javan said

Today’s shou is from a sample pack of shou pu-erh’s from Bana Tea Company (sampler described here: http://www.banateacompany.com/pages/puerh_teas-samplerRipe.html). It is a 1992 Tang Xiang and is a mellow and elevating cup. Forest floor aromas, pine needles, and earth are all harmoniously present. The tea has a huge salivary effect on me increasing production of the glands. It is delicious and engaging. I’d sum up the first three pours as being harmonious and penetrating. Lovely.

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Peter said

In the morning, one little bird’s nest shu and one little sheng, both from the big bag I collected in Asia. Sheng won. This afternoon tea tasting in a new place in Brussels, Source de lumière. 2 shu and 2 sheng, quite some old ones, coming from small companies, of which I don’t remember the names, but it tasted and felt great. Bought a very fine 100g nest of sheng, dated 1999 (Prince). This evening, tasting a sheng sampler from 2009. Defintely in a sheng mood these days.

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mrmopar said

Having a 2007 Menghai Tea factory Yun Xiang tonight in the teapot. Called the “Rhyme Aroma” tea or in an English translation as better with age. I think this one is a lighter fermented Dayi cake. It has a similar taste to the other ones but it has a light oak, caramel and an almost salty savory after taste. It is almost a “broth” taste similar to a soup stock. It really darkens on the second steep with wood and spiciness coming on a little stronger. Very nice and interesting so far. What I would call a “savory” shou cha. On note I have been brewing all the Dayi shou cha in the great mosaic teapot I got from (Joey) from the Tea Merchant. I really like this little pot for its great pouring (shameless plug I guess). Its a great little pot for a pretty good tea. It really leaves a lingering taste after drinking.

looseTman said

It’s not a shameless plug to say your pleased with your mosaic teapot. We review tea, why not teaware too? I also feel fortunate to have this Mosaic Yixing especially since they are no longer in stock. http://www.theteamerchant.net/teaware/teapots/yixing-clay/yixing-teapots/mosaic-yixing-teapot/

mrmopar said

Yes I should have gotten two of them! I agree we should review tea tools also. Great idea looseTman!

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graceatblb said

I’m currently sipping on the 2003 Farmer’s Cooperative Wild Arbor Sheng from Verdant. I am burning off the last of the ounce I bought. I love it. It’s nutty and sweet. I have been seriously craving sheng lately. It’s a bit of a wonder that I haven’t tried more sheng. I only have one other raw pu’er cake in my collection (Big Leaf Sheng from Verdant). I think I may have to break my hiatus again.

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mrmopar said

Having a Menghai 2007 “0782” tonight. This tea seems to have “aged” a bit on the outside but still shows very green on the inside when breaking it apart. It brews a dark yellow almost orange color with an almost honey sweet aroma. It still maintains a lot of the bitterness associated with a young sheng(much more than the 8582 I tried earlier). this tea gives a good mouth-feel with a touch of dryness after drinking. It still has the tobacco punch with the camphor many people talk about numbing the sides of the tongue. It gives some hint of “metallic” and then turns to a touch of lemon. Not a bad sheng but not the best so far. We shall see how it continues to age. With the hit of camphor I think it holds promise. I prepared this in the gaiwan and hope to give it the yixing treatment tomorrow.

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Sammerz314 said

Enjoying a steep of 1960s Guang Yun Gong Sheng from The Essense of Tea. Perfect balance of Earthiness and Sweetness. Excellent example of aged sheng.

mrmopar said

Oh I am jealous of you getting to have something like that!

Sammerz314 said

hahaha they actually have a large collection of aged puerhs. They are pricey though!

mrmopar said

Yep I checked them out. Hopefully some of my stuff will be this good in a few years.

Sammerz314 said

I am sure they will be great in a few years. How is your Pumidor doing? Still maintaining a perfect level of himidity? I have yet to solve my storage problem.. simply have them in a cabinet with a few trays of water. The humidity level is fine but the airflow concerns me.

mrmopar said

So far so good. I actually bought 2 cigar humidifiers to keep the moisture contact even. I have cracked into a few cakes that are getting darker on the outside. The middles are still kind of green but the outer layers show progress.

Peter said

Sounds great, 1960, I would love to taste a drop of that.

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Peter said

Tasting two Ye Sheng Cha, one Dehong 2012 and one Lan Ting Chun from 2010. Life can be beautiful.

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Sil select said

red and purple rhyme from mandala! heh

mrmopar said

I know both of those will be nice! I have been thinking about getting in the purple rhyme the last few day. Now I will have to get in it!

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