pu-erh of the day. Sheng or Shou

7963 Replies
Ginkosan said

Some dat 2015 YS Band Dong. Really doing well, mellow mossy and nutty base with a bitter floral kick.

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MzPriss said

My YQH order from Emmett just got here. I am so excited!

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AllanK said

Today I drank a ripe I bought recently from King Tea on Aliexpress, the 2005 Anning Haiwan LaoTongZhi 501 7598 Shou Cha. This was an excellent semi aged ripe. It had lost much but not all of it’s fermentation taste. It was noticeable for the first three steeps. I’d say this tea has developed a dates note to it and there were notes of chocolate. There was virtually no bitterness to it. It was quite good. And most unusually for a ripe this one seems to have some qi. I am feeling it now, quite energizing. I have found the John at King Tea on Aliexpress sells good tea overall.

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boychik said

2007 Yang Qing Hao “Qizhong Gushu” Yang Qing Hao
First time ive tried i remember it being stone fruit sweet. last night it was a little different. very enjoyable but not as complex as the first time ive tried. could be many factors. with later steeps astringency built up but it was pleasant

still, it was very good. qi is mild. i felt relaxed.
no chest burning, face melting, eyes popping or lungs moving. very pleasant overall

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AllanK said

Today I went back to my Taobao order and drank a raw tea purchased from MX Tea on Taobao, the 2008 Menghai Dayi “7582” Batch 803. This was a strong and smoky sheng. This was what you call kick your ass strong. It had no notes of apricots although it did develop a sweet note after the smoke had faded. This was also in my opinion real. It was wrapped right and it glowed green under the black light. It would seem that MX Tea on Taobao sells real tea although I have not bought enough from them to make that as a general statement just my impression so far. There are a lot of sellers of fakes on Taobao so you have to be wary. This tea was sold for an excellent price. I think I paid around $25 with shipping. It was something like 80 or 90 RMB. So even with Taobao Focus’s expensive shipping it was a bargain.

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AllanK said

Today I drank a ripe from my Yunnan Sourcing order the 2014 Yunnan Sourcing Red Horse Gongting ripe puerh tea. This was a nice, somewhat sweet ripe with a fair amount of fermentation flavor left. I didn’t really notice all the subtle notes on this one. I was too busy watching a movie so I’m not sure if I should say it’s chocolaty or not. It was a dark, rich, somewhat creamy shou. It was quite good overall and very inexpensive.

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AllanK said

Today I continued my tea day with another ripe and this one was phenomenal. I drank the 1996 Tae Tea Dayi Old Tea Nubs. It was a gift from John and King Tea on Aliexpress and I have been unable to locate it on his page. It is one of a handful of ripes I have drank that have completely cleared. It had no traces of fermentation flavor left at all. It also had perfect storage from what I can tell. It had no adverse storage flavors of any kind. It was sweet and tasty with a fruity taste in later steeps. I hope he lists this on his web page because while he gave me quite a lot, 100g, I want to buy more. This was one of the best teas I have ever had. I stopped at ten steeps because my insomnia has been bad lately but I think this would easily have gone twenty steeps. This was one good puerh.

Rui A. said

Please tell him to do the listing as it sounds really yummy!

AllanK said

I will tell him that people are reading my reviews and want to try the tea. Maybe he will list it and get me the url. If he does I’ll post it here.

AllanK said

John added the link.

Rui A. said

Fantastic. Thank you very much.

AllanK said

I bought another 200g of this the other night. He supposedly has only a limited supply available.

Rasseru said

I just wanted to buy some and cant find my cc. damnit

yyz said

You can pay by debit now on Ali. I’m not sure if it is restricted to visa enabled card or not.

AllanK said

If you buy some don’t forget to tell John from King Tea that you are a Steepster member, he should give some extra discount. My last order added to about $185 but he discounted it to about $160. Dignitea arranged this discount a while ago and he has been giving me some discount on every order ever since. How much he gives will vary with what you buy.

Rasseru said

@xyz I meant cc as just a term for my card. I only have the one.. Need to ring them up as I must have lost it Saturday

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Dr Jim said

I’m drinking 2008 Mr Feng’s Selected Trees from EoT. One of the puerh TTB teas. Really complex and lots of cha qi.

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AllanK said

Today I drank a tea from King Tea on Aliexpress the 2006 Shuangjiang Mengku Bing 145g Yunnan Organic Ripe Tea. This was a nice tea that had partially cleared. There was some fermentation taste, basically in the first two steeps. There was a sweet taste. There were some notes of chocolate. Overall it was quite good. Thinking about buying a tong of these mini cakes.

Someone on teachat is selling some of these. I bought some GNWL from him and all went well. He included a sample cake of this Mengku, and from my first try of it it seems like the storage was alright; I don’t really have much experience with aged ripe storage though. http://www.teachat.com/viewtopic.php?f=33&t=21411

AllanK said

Do you know how much he wants for a tong of these? I can get it from Aliexpress for about $120 or thereabouts.

I’m not certain, but he is making an effort to sell these at a discount to get them sold, so I’m pretty sure if you show him the aliexpress price he’ll beat it.

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Today I had some of White2Tea’s LaoChaTou..grandpa style! The first time I had it I didn’t notice any odd smells coming from the tea, but this time it smells kind of fishy. Luckily the smell went away after a few minutes and didn’t come back when I added more water. It also didn’t translate into the taste so that is good too. A very nice tea to sip absentmindedly..not too complex and a little comforting

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