Anyone else having trouble getting their notices?

If I click on notices I’m getting bounced to a screen that says someone forgot to do something with a kettle. Anyone else having this happen now?

79 Replies
Cofftea said

Nope. More updates coming? =D

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Hmm, wonder why it’s just me? I can see the notices increasing but can’t get to them. Everything else seems to work.

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Rabs said

I am :( It’s not just you. Do you get the “Oops” screen as well? It’s been doing that (with the whole notices increasing as well) for almost two hours. I did send off an email to the Overlords notifying them of my dilemma. LOL! Just realized that you are getting bumped to that screen. Helps if I read everything first ;)

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Ewa select said

Oh, I’m getting it as well! I need my ego inflating notices telling me who liked my posts dammit!


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Lol — me too, but mostly I just want to get that red number off my screen as it annoys me.

I’m a little OCD about that myself, LOL…but I haven’t had any problems with notifications…yet…

Cofftea said

My number has read “16” when I have no new notices for WEEKS. When we 1st stared getting notices it was 3, then moved up to 13, now it’s 16.

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Fixed! Yay!

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Rabs said

The Steepster Overlords heard our cries for help! Huzzah!

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Ewa select said


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hmm, i seem to be stuck at number “8” no mater what, it goes up, and then comes back down to 8, anyone else?

Cofftea said

Oooh yeah. Read my reply to Morgana’s 2nd post lol.

and yours changes….weird!

Cofftea said

It has. But it’s been 16 for ages… almost as long as the notifications have been around.

Kaitlin S said

I think this means that you have unread notices somewhere on the list. Mine was stuck at 3, and I kept clicking “see more” at the bottom to see older notices and finally got to 3 notices that were still bold. If you’ve been on steepster a while, it could take a long time to get to the bottom, though!

It seems there should be a way to “mark as read” – since I had read the posts, but just not through the “notices” link.

Cofftea said

I’m on here a lot so that’s never the issue for me.

Thanks VegTea – i tried going back about 1 month and no luck so far (and it seems to be stuck and not wanting to let me back farther than that)

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Rabs said

And the black page of “Oops.” doom hath returned for me when I click on Notices (there are 23 potentially life-changing comments I may be missing out on! ::impatient child dance::)

I’ve sent Jason an email :)

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