Janelle said

Selling my stash - Mystery packages and requests! *UPDATED*

I’ve come to realize that I just have too much tea (but is there really such a thing?) and I desperately need to clear out some that I will never drink because I have too much of it or it’s not for me.

I thought mystery packs would be a fun idea, something like 65-70 grams total of several teas for $10 plus shipping.

Otherwise, I’m open to taking requests and working out a price; my cupboard should be pretty much up to date!

UPDATE Thank you to everyone who has already taken some of my stash off my hands! I managed to get rid of quite a lot but I still have a ton available so please have a look through my cupboard and let me know if there is anything of interest :)

88 Replies
VariaTEA said

Hey Janelle,

I might be interested in buying some flavors from you. I guess follow and message me and hopefully we can work something out!

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TeaLady441 said

Hey! I’d be interested in a mystery pack. :) I’ll follow you now.

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following you – i’m interested in a caffeine free/mate box. the tannins in other types of tea really affect me.

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I would be interested in:

52Tea’s Weeping Angels
David’s Banana Oolong and
Della Terra’s Peanut Butter Fudge

Message me and we can work something out? I’m already following you.

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CelebriTEA said

I would be interested

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Reki275 said

I would be really interested in buying a mystery box! follows

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Jillian said

Me to!

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Very interested – please follow me so I can send you a message! thanks

I had to get one! I can’t wait to see which goodies I get to try. :D

TeaLady441 said

I’m pretty excited too!

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Lynxiebrat said

LOL….I had to go and take a look.

I followed you because you have many teas I’d like to try, follow me back so I can PM you.

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I’d be super interested in either a mystery pack OR some of your David’s Tea— cocomint cream, banana dream pie, cookie dough, and buttercream— if you follow me, I’ll send you a message!

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