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Company taking reviews from Steepster 19
Teavivre 15% discount for three new teas 4
Mandala Yixing Pots 0
25% off all orders at Kally Tea through end of June for Steepster readers! 23
Kally Tea now ships to our neighbors in Canada! 0
Starbucks Tea stores 16
How to Brew an Enjoyable Pu-erh Tea 2
Upton's closing June 30-July 8 (no, I don't work for them) 0
*Apple & Fig* AND *Strawberry Ginger Peppercorn* FREE at Utopia Tea 0
10% Discount for Newly Launched Online Tea Shop- Peony Tea S. 2
Collecting Tea Tins? 3
Good Places To Buy Teaware? 17
Tea Buying Trip to Europe planned 2
Iced Tea Suggestions and Favorites 31
Itsyknits said
i do the exact same,, just cold steep overnight in a pitcher, its just not the time to do iced tea!! its far too cold now.. but in the summer, ah perfect!!
teawade said
Do you know the pros and cons of hot brewed tea that is chilled vs. cold
cheetah_pita said
I love hibiscus tea iced. In fact, it and lemonade are probably the only things I drink all summer. Cold
Invader Zim said
I typically brew up a Jasmine green tea or Silver Needles. Add some sugar, a pinch of mint and throw it in the fridge overnight and enjoy cold tea the next day.
Mr. Uberkins said
Depending on how much sugar you want to add, it may be impossible to dissolve it in cold tea, but if you're only adding a small amount it shouldn't be an issue.
Sanctuary T said
We like to try something more unconventional, mixing in some seltzer with our cold brew! The perfect amount of fizzle adds a refreshing twist. Check it out:
BiggieG said
I may have to try this cold
momo said
Here's some things I like since I didn't really name many before. I cold
teawade said
completely agree that tea is all about personal preference. I just tried some hot brewed peach oolong tea that I chilled in the refrigerator and found it to have a stronger tea flavor over the fruit. The cold
momo said
flavors than brewing hot, but subtle teas wouldn't do so well with it. For example, just recently I used this raspberry oolong. When hot, the first steep tasted too much like raspberry flavor. When I cold
Mr. Uberkins said
I'm not actually well versed in cold
teawade said
Thanks for the confirmation Uniquity. I really like the taste of cold
Daisy Chubb said
brewing is just handier! That's my take on it anyways. And yes, Amanda just posted a great article down there too! (Edit: I should say, when I cold
tigress_al said
I cold
David Lau said
I almost always make iced tea by brewing hot tea 2x the strength, then pouring over an equal amount of ice. Cold
teawade said
I cold
Cooking with tea (& NPR article) 0
Homemade remedies-in tea form 5
Babble said
Side note, does anyone know if there's any additional benefit drinking the tea hot or cold? I
Azzrian said
My flu mix includes ginger, calendula, chamomile, honey (un-pasturized), helichrysum, turmeric, fenugreek, and garlic. Good for colds too. Boosts the immune system.
Azzrian said
I have not found any difference in the healing aspects of tea be them hot or cold but I would recommend that you prepare the tea hot then stick it in fridge.
Tea Fruit Blends 12
ArTEAst said
(which technically aren't teas at all because they come from a completely different plant specie) and blend different herbs to achieve a specific health benefit or effect. For example, eucalyptus and peppermint can help with clear breathing. For indigestion and colds
Customize Your Own Trial Sample Pack of Fong Mong Tea 0
Celebration for The Grand Open of Facebook Store 1
Do you think flavors work better with... 6