From the queue
It’s been ages since we’ve had an LS in the house. Well, actually, it’s only been a couple of weeks since we finished the one that Bonnie shared with me, but it feels like ages. So obviously, when I shopped with Tea Palace, I thought I would have a tin of theirs. This is a type where I have no need of samples really. I already know I’m going to enjoy it, and I know for certain sure that Husband will enjoy it. So if I’m shopping for LS, I’ll get a larger amount regardless of whether I’ve tried the one offered by that particular company before. (If I’m shopping for something else, I might get a sample, though)
This one smells fairly mild on the smoke until you pour boiling water on it, then it’s quite tarry. Peculiarly after steeping it becomes quite mild on the smoke aroma again. Chameleon trick there. It’s a very sweet aroma too, but I don’t think it’s fruity-sweet like many LS’s are to me, but more sort of like I can pick up a bit of grain and malt underneath. Interesting, because these are not notes I normally associate with LS.
The flavour is also fairly mild. Not super-smoky, but again with a great deal of sweetness to it. This time it’s more sort of what I would expect. Fruity-sweet rather than grainy/malty-sweet. It does have a bit of a mineral twinge to it, which I could have lived without, but apart from that it’s a very nice specimen of the Lapsang Souchong race.