drank Copabanana by DAVIDsTEA
1394 tasting notes

This one smells amazing. Like some sort of homemade banana baked good. Maybe banana chocolate chip loaf. I can only hope it will taste as it smells.

This one is delicious. I don’t know that it tastes as it smells. But it does taste good. Very good. I imagine it would be good chilled as well but for now am I enjoying it hot.

Update: This one is pretty good cold but I think I may prefer it hot. The chocolate comes out a bit more when it’s hot. Yes the flavours are definitely more muted when it’s chilled. And on that note, I’ll steep myself a hot cup of this now.


I am super excited for this one, too. I have a little bit more of Banana Nut Bread, and I really enjoy it as an evening treat. So this will be a good replacement!


I can’t wait to try this one out too (once I finsih my coconut oolong <3). I should drink more herbals so I’m looking forward to this joining Cocomint Cream on the shelf!

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I am super excited for this one, too. I have a little bit more of Banana Nut Bread, and I really enjoy it as an evening treat. So this will be a good replacement!


I can’t wait to try this one out too (once I finsih my coconut oolong <3). I should drink more herbals so I’m looking forward to this joining Cocomint Cream on the shelf!

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I love black tea and this is usually what’s in my mug. I’m also happy to enjoy a cup of green or red rooibos, herbals, oolongs (unroasted/green and red preferable to roasted), whites, and subtly flavoured greens.

Raspberry, strawberry, peach, apricot, rhubarb, passionfruit, blackcurrant, redcurrant, fig, and most fruits in general, maple, creaminess, hay, biscuit, lavender, and cacao/dark chocolate.

I enjoy bergamot when paired with flavours that mellow it.

Any smokiness at all, stevia, too much blackberry leaf, rose, jasmine, ginger (except in chai), cinnamon-heavy teas, anything cloying or fake/candy-like.

I’m vegan and have an allergy to potatoes, so I avoid any animal products in tea, along with sprinkles as these often have potato starch (I’ll happily pick them out of blends).


Last updated January 2023.



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