Hi everyone! It’s been a long time. A lot has happened since I last posted, but I’m going to spare you the details of most of it. Just know I’ve been thinking of you all.
Had a lovely vacation in the Netherlands and Denmark this past summer. Got screamingly good internet. Have had some story sales — some of my stuff is free to read on the Internet, so if you’re so moved you can check the latest on my writing site. Kids are doing well — they’re both in middle school now (gulp). No. 1 is in his last year, too. Mind blown.
I haven’t been drinking tea, though. A lot of sparkling water and coffee so it hasn’t been all bad — but I had a really nice iced jasmine green at a Teavana store the other day which reminded me how much I like tea. I’m trying to get myself back there and part of what may make me do that is I’m loving spinning right now — I feel so clean and awesome afterwards it feels like tea is the right thing to put into my body. So maybe I’ll be around more. But I can’t make any guarantees because the new job is totally wonderful but also pretty demanding.
Anyway, this is sipdown No. 1 of 2017 and no. 282 total.
I believe I made it through the entire 4 oz without actually making this hot. In the old days, that would mess with my OCD. I’m trying to be more zen, though. It’s nice to start the revisiting of tea with a nice-sized empty container I can repurpose.
It’s funny how exercising regularly in a way that makes me feel pumped also makes me want to declutter and put other aspects of my life in order. Anyone else notice that?
Anyway, the last of this is currently cold brewing in the fridge and should be ready to consume tomorrow morning. I expect it to be about the same as last time. Maybe a little weaker as I didn’t have a full 8 scoops to put in my container. More like just over 7.
Hope you’re all well!
Not sure if the news made it all the way to Netherlands… you might not know that Teavana is closing down. So stock up while you can!! Welcome back :)
Not sure if the news made it all the way to Netherlands… you might not know that Teavana is closing down. So stock up while you can!! Welcome back :)
Welcome back! Tea always tastes better when you’ve been away awhile :D
Hiya! Yeah, I heard that about Teavana, but the one we went to was in Palo Alto and it showed no signs of closing down. And I agree, tea is a fun thing to come back to!