Crisp Cranberry Soda Green Rooibos

Tea type
Fruit Rooibos Blend
Dried Cranberries, Green Rooibos, Natural Flavours
Citrus, Cranberry, Crisp, Effervescent, Lemon, Lime, Saline, Syrupy, Tangy, Berry, Citrusy, Drying, Floral, Fruity, Mineral, Sweet, Candy, Dust, Clean, Grassy, Herbaceous, Red Fruits, Smooth, Hay, Lemon Zest, Herbs, Rooibos
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Organic, Vegan
Edit tea info Last updated by Arby
Average preparation
170 °F / 76 °C 8 min or more 9 g 18 oz / 519 ml

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  • “52Teas 12 Teas of Christmas: Day 3 Sipped on this zesty lil number during my final [online] class of the semester! It evokes an effervescent lemon-lime soda to me, with lovely cranberry notes. It’s...” Read full tasting note
  • “52teas 12 Teas of Christmas 2023 – Day 10 Again, not loving rooibos much lately, but Anne does a lovely soda tea. It’s convincingly effervescent, tangy-sweet, and crisp. Not too sweet though – more...” Read full tasting note
  • “52teas 12 Teas of Christmas Day 10 “Is it something floral?” You’ll never guess this one. “Orangina. laughs No. Let me get my device. I see you. I see you sneakin’ around. (We have a few...” Read full tasting note
  • “52teas 12 Teas of Christmas 2023 – Day 10 Yassssss! This is the tea that I’ve most wanted to try when I’ve seen it in past years, so happy that it made it into this year’s box as well. It’s very...” Read full tasting note

From 52teas

My inspiration behind this tea was the cranberry flavored lemon-lime soft drinks that come out around Thanksgiving. I thought that the best base for such a tea would be a green rooibos because it has a light, sparkling kind of taste to it naturally, and the light fruitiness of the rooibos would enhance the fruity flavors that I’d be adding to it.

Then I added lots of cranberries to the blend and some natural flavors to create a soda like taste.

Really nice! Light and crisp and refreshing!

organic ingredients: green rooibos, cranberries and natural flavors

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At, you will find unique, hand-blended artisan loose leaf teas: a new limited edition creation every week of the year. We pride ourselves on offering truly unique, one-of-a-kind tea blends that you won’t find anywhere else.

45 Tasting Notes

397 tasting notes

52Teas 12 Teas of Christmas: Day 3

Sipped on this zesty lil number during my final [online] class of the semester! It evokes an effervescent lemon-lime soda to me, with lovely cranberry notes. It’s tart, but also a little syrupy, but also a little saline? I bet it would be absolutely smashing cold-brewed, maybe with a bit of seltzer added.

So good!

Flavors: Citrus, Cranberry, Crisp, Effervescent, Lemon, Lime, Saline, Syrupy, Tangy


This one is AWESOME cold brewed, it’s my preferred method with this blend. So happy to read that you enjoy it!


Yay for the end of semester!


52Teas: Ooh, that’s a ringing endorsement!
Gmathis: Woohoo! Thanks!

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1445 tasting notes

52teas 12 Teas of Christmas 2023 – Day 10

Again, not loving rooibos much lately, but Anne does a lovely soda tea. It’s convincingly effervescent, tangy-sweet, and crisp. Not too sweet though – more like an Italian soda, or tonic water with a dash of citrus. This blend is pleasant iced or cold steeped.

Flavors: Berry, Citrusy, Cranberry, Crisp, Drying, Effervescent, Floral, Fruity, Mineral, Sweet, Syrupy, Tangy

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1652 tasting notes

52teas 12 Teas of Christmas Day 10

“Is it something floral?”

You’ll never guess this one.

“Orangina. laughs No. Let me get my device. I see you. I see you sneakin’ around.

(We have a few neighborhood sistercats that moved into the house the way neighborhood cats do after my cat Sophia passed away in September. The fast and feisty grey one I call Little Piggy or Junebug is playing in Kiki’s bedroom.)

Starfruit. No. laughs, plays some slot machine game on her phone Cantaloupe? sips Honeydew. She’s a troublemaker, that one. Like a monkey. Gotta get into everything. smacks lips I’ll never get it, huh? I’m not even close."

What do you taste in the aftertaste?

“Kinda like a hard candy like a lilikoi or something. Like that fruit berry with a little seed in it that we used to get in Chinatown. And kinda like jello. An orange, orangey, an orange color.” sips

You’re not too far off.

“Um, what are those candies you get at the Chinese, uh- "

-Oh, lychee.

“Kinda like that, that lychee. It’s good, I like it. It kinda has a little astringency like hibiscus does but not as extreme. More of a smooth astringent, a creamy astringent. It tastes just like a candy. I could drink it hot or iced. I like it. Not grapefruit. Cuz grapefruit’s kind of astringent isn’t it? I give it a 9, I give it a 9 out of 10.”

It’s called Crisp Cranberry Soda Green Rooibos.

“Oh, that’s soda.”

Can you taste the lemon-lime, like 7-Up?

“Yeah I guess so but it tastes more like the… not the loquat… whatever that candy is. Cranberry — I guess it’s astringent like the cranberry. I guess it is that dusty dirty thing like the rooibos but it’s not upfront. Maybe it blends the rest of the flavors. It fills in the spots between. I like it, I do. I think it’s good. It’s discriminating.” cackles

You mean- (I’m buzzed from some ancho chile liqueur I cracked open this evening and am thus slow to form words :D )

“-Yeah. For the finer tastebuds of life. chuckles, pause of several minutes For the discriminating palate.” cackles

- - - -

I really like this tea. Like I said earlier — short for words. Bummed there’s not enough for 3 servings in this bag :P

Flavors: Candy, Citrusy, Cranberry, Crisp, Drying, Dust, Effervescent, Floral, Lemon, Lime, Mineral, Tangy

190 °F / 87 °C 8 min or more 4 g 10 OZ / 295 ML

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4334 tasting notes

52teas 12 Teas of Christmas 2023 – Day 10

Yassssss! This is the tea that I’ve most wanted to try when I’ve seen it in past years, so happy that it made it into this year’s box as well.

It’s very true to the name, with a crisp lemon-lime soda flavor and a touch of red berry. I wouldn’t say specifically cranberry, but generally those cranberry-flavored sodas don’t specifically taste like cranberry to me either he he.

Just really nice, and it does taste just like a cranberry Sprite to me. Which reminds me, I should buy some more cranberry ginger ale the time I’m at the store… :P

Flavors: Berry, Clean, Crisp, Effervescent, Grassy, Herbaceous, Lemon, Lime, Red Fruits, Smooth, Sweet

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1310 tasting notes

Day 3 of 52teas’ advent calendar. I enjoyed this in last year’s calendar so I’m glad to see it back again! Even though I prefer to drink it cold/room temp, it’s very much a fall/winter tea in my mind because of the cranberry. That cranberry note is just right, and I’ve been getting the soda note pretty consistently by brewing it hot and then allowing to cool. It’s almost salty in the way seltzer is. This won’t last long!

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1011 tasting notes

Strange VariaTEA TTB #21

I didn’t get much cranberry from this, but it definitely had a soda-like quality with a pleasant lemon/lime flavor and a nice effervescence from the green rooibos. (Side note: why don’t more tea companies use green rooibos instead of red??? It has a way more pleasant flavor, IMO.) It was a bit weird drinking it hot (like a warm, flat soda) but I’ll bet it would be super refreshing iced or as a cold brew. If we were headed into summer instead of winter right now, I might hang onto this for some summer iced tea!

Flavors: Citrus, Lemon, Lime

Boiling 8 min or more 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML
Roswell Strange

Generally speaking green rooibos is a lot more expensive than red rooibos because so much less of it is produced every year. It’s a bit of a viscous circle because the reason less is produced is mostly just because of the overall popularity of red rooibos – but blenders are kind of incentivized to use red over green because of the lower cost/availability which only furthers it’s popularity because of the greater reach… :/

Also, for quite some time South Africa was experiencing a really terrible drought so yields were lower just in general which caused the prices of both to jump up quite significantly because there was less supply for the same demand. There was even less incentive for production of green rooibos because, well, why spend your resources producing something that’s harder to sell? :(


That stinks, but makes sense. Thanks for sharing your insider info in this area! :)

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6119 tasting notes

Was this one I missed from last year? I think so. Either way, it was yummy – not sure I got enough cranberry from it, but someone’s likening of it to Sprite is rather accurate, and I like that it’s caffeine-free.

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2596 tasting notes

This tea tastes like Sprite! I really like it! I don’t know how it achieves this almost bubbly quality, but it’s great! I cold brew a second steep, and that turns out very tasty as well. Definitely a new favorite. Totally a unique tea. I prefer this one room temperature.

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1269 tasting notes

I had coldbrewed a 2017 packet of this and reviewed it about two years ago (here: ) TL;DR: the coldbrew had a great lemon lime flavor, and was extremely refreshing, but I never did taste the cranberry. Now I’ve pulled my packet from the 2018 Advent Calendar. Last night I tried my first warm cup, and found that even more disappointing than the cold brew… it had a bit of the refreshing lime but mostly, the green rooibos just became overpowering and washed out any flavor. And still no cranberry.

I coldbrewed the remainder of the packet overnight last night, and decided to make it as an actual soda/pop. I strained the coldbrew, then infused it with three bursts of Co2 from my DrinkMate. And this. is. A-MAZ-ING! Hands down, 100% tastes like a lemon-lime-CRANBERRY soda! I even taste the cranberry this time! Perhaps something about that sort of sharp/crisp flavor of the carbonation is really making it pop.

I didn’t even add sweetener, and am perfectly happy with this. Likely if I added some sugar syrup into my cold brew, it might have an even closer replication from that syrupy/sweet quality.

If any other packets of this ever make their way to me again, I’m carbonating from now on! Raising rating!

Flavors: Citrus, Cranberry, Hay, Herbaceous, Lemon, Lime, Sweet

Iced 8 min or more 8 g 17 OZ / 500 ML

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16975 tasting notes

Cold Brew!

I don’t know how Anne gets the lemon lime soda flavouring so perfect in this tea, but it just wows me every time I drink so. This was practically the perfect cold brew – refreshing and light citrus with a splash of tart cranberry with the best sweetness level and just enough of the green rooibos coming through to not be lost!

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