Organic Royal Gold Yunnan Black

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Black Tea
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  • “Sipped this today while cooking a pecan pie for my Dad’s birthday. Steep #1 // 3 -4 min // RIGHT after boiling The leaves are mostly black with hints of gold. It’s an odd Yunnan… it doesn’t...” Read full tasting note

From Fusion Teas

Long, tippy leaf steeps a smooth cup with rich aroma and superb taste. The full-bodied infusion is deep red that is malty with a molasses-like sweetness, and light coppery finish. An outstanding black tea from the Yunnan province.

Ingredients: Organic Black Tea

1 1/2 tsp – 212 degrees – 3-5 min

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1 Tasting Note

4330 tasting notes

Sipped this today while cooking a pecan pie for my Dad’s birthday.

Steep #1 // 3 -4 min // RIGHT after boiling
The leaves are mostly black with hints of gold. It’s an odd Yunnan… it doesn’t really taste like other yunnans. Not very chocolatey or malty. It has a peppery fragrance and taste, which I know Yunnan is supposed to have but rarely does. It isn’t particularly a tough tea. The flavor is more light than dark.. a bit fruity. Chewy without being astringent. Not really any molasses. It’s tough to describe! I was craving a chocolate Yunnan today, but this one isn’t terrible. I guess I should just drink what I know tastes like a chocolate Yunnan when I happen to be craving it, right? Save the unknowns for another time. I like that this is different than anything else I have though. The closest tea I’ve tried would be one of Adagio’s yunnans (either ‘Gold’ or ‘Jig’… I can’t remember which right now.)

Steep #2 // just boiled // went for 7+ minutes
I oversteeped this but it doesn’t taste oversteeped. It isn’t very strong.. but it isn’t very special either. Ah well. I’d give Fusion the award for most imaginative blends anyway… I wouldn’t mind if they focused on their blends!

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