Doke Rolling Thunder

Tea type
Oolong Tea
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185 °F / 85 °C 1 min, 0 sec 8 oz / 236 ml

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4 Tasting Notes View all

  • “In addition to getting the 15 tea sampler, I also picked up sample packs of some of the other teas the Devotea has to offer, including this one. Sometimes it’s good to take a break from strong...” Read full tasting note
  • “Another one from Sil! Thanks! So I have to agree with her on this; it’s not your typical oolong. It’s light and sweet and very refreshing. It’s also just a little bit grassy and I imagined a bit...” Read full tasting note
  • “when is an oolong not oolongy? when it’s oowrong! lol yeah sorry…feeling a little giddy and dorky tonight. This one came courtesy of terri and had i remembered at the time of brewing that i have...” Read full tasting note
  • “Received this in a generous swap from Terri HarpLady. This one is quite a good oolong. To be honest, it doesn’t really even taste like an oolong. The liquor is very thick. There is definitely a...” Read full tasting note

From The Devotea

A rare single estate oolong tea, presented for your enjoyment.
Estate: Doke
Region: Bihar
Flush: 2nd Flush 2012
Our Category: Premium Tea

Why we selected this tea: This is quite simply our favourite oolong. For years Taiwan and China have competed to make the best oolongs: in our opinion, this Indian oolong is a ‘must try’ that challenges the oolong superpowers. It’s super premium oolong, fruity and flavourful, and steeps many times. It is quite robust in terms of making a pot; it is not damaged by hotter water as many oolongs are.

Making a Pot: (Start with our method and adjust to taste): Boil the kettle and then let it stand for one minute. Infuse 2 grams of tea per 175 grams of water. Brew for 90 seconds. Drain liquid off and reserve leaves for further steepings. Add about 15 seconds each re-steeping.

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4 Tasting Notes

3294 tasting notes

In addition to getting the 15 tea sampler, I also picked up sample packs of some of the other teas the Devotea has to offer, including this one.
Sometimes it’s good to take a break from strong black teas & try something a little lighter, & this qualifies. This is very different from the other oolongs I’ve tried. It’s not particularly floral, it’s not roasty, it’s not even very fruity. I’m getting a little of an apricot aftertaste, a little of a ‘green’ taste, a hint of an herb I’ve had before, although I can’t quite pinpoint it yet, & a malty thick mouth.
It’s not the bold type of tea I usually go for, & not like the oolongs I usually drink. It kind of reminds me of cream of wheat.


Cream of wheat. Interesting!


interesting.. wonder how this compares to stacy’s version

Terri HarpLady

I’ll let you know, as I think I ordered some of that too :)


i enjoyed stacys version, even though it’s an oolong :)

Terri HarpLady

It kind of reminded me of a white tea

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1598 tasting notes

Another one from Sil! Thanks!

So I have to agree with her on this; it’s not your typical oolong. It’s light and sweet and very refreshing. It’s also just a little bit grassy and I imagined a bit of peach in there too. Neat!

(I always think of Cecil from Night Vale whenever I heard ‘neat’ and I guess I’ve been using it more too. He has the effect on me I guess.)

Anyway, I would recommend this oolong to people who have not had much experience with them and want to dive in!



dokedokedokedokedokedokedokedoke i just like saying that.


No. I mean Okee dokee. Hahah.

Robert Godden

Glad you liked it. We love it. In Australia, we have a limited edition with dried mandarin.


That sounds pretty fancy!

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15596 tasting notes

when is an oolong not oolongy? when it’s oowrong! lol yeah sorry…feeling a little giddy and dorky tonight. This one came courtesy of terri and had i remembered at the time of brewing that i have a smiliar one from butiki in my cupboard, i would have compared the two. This is a pretty pleasant cup of tea that doesn’t hold any of the usual oolong tastes that i tend not to enjoy so much. Instead this is a light brew with a surprisingly sweet taste. It also resteeps nicely :) thanks terri!


I laughed for serious. ;)

Terri HarpLady

Yeah, this one doesn’t really strike me as overly oolong-like either

Robert Godden

I got fooled when it was snuck into a Darjeeling black tasting session myself! It’s my favourite oolong BECAUSE it doesn’t have the strong bits I don’t like about Taiwanese oolongs! It’s also not a bad “first oolong” for the inexperienced drinker.

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871 tasting notes

Received this in a generous swap from Terri HarpLady.

This one is quite a good oolong. To be honest, it doesn’t really even taste like an oolong. The liquor is very thick. There is definitely a fruit juice taste and quality to this tea. It reminds me of a fruit punch type juice- a little bit of everything, some citrus, some berry. There is a slight sweetness that reminds me of brown rock sugar or beet sugar. There is no bitterness or astringency. I was expecting this one to taste more like a dark roasted oolong. But there is no roasty flavour to it. It is also not a green oolong with the vegetal taste.

Quite enjoying this one.

185 °F / 85 °C 1 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML
Robert Godden

When I wrote the description on our website, I was skirting with “The best thing is, it doesn’t taste like an oolong!” It has peach tones that are magnificent. This is one of the teas that convinced us to move from just offering our own blends to some top tasting Indian teas. The guys that make this at Doke in Bihar are superstars in our book.

Robert Godden

PS. Also, you can play about with temperature and time and it still tastes good.

Robert Godden

PPS And thanks for your review!

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