This is the first tea I have had that exhibits the “muscatiel” flavor profile and it’s very delightful. This tea is very fine indeed, but very delicate. The recommended 185F is a good limit. It lasts for at least 4 steepings in my little 300ml Hario glass pot, with the flavor getting less pronounced but still present. Beyond 4 steepings it’s getting a little extra to keep brewing it.
It’s very sensitive to being overbrewed, because it is so dry and astringent. I would also not overleaf like I did today, it doesn’t really benefit from it, the best flavors in this tea are the subtle ones.
If you are forgetful like me overbrew it like I did on some of the later steepings, add sweetener, but don’t do this tea dirty by adding milk. It doesn’t play well with honey, that will wash it out and make it insipid, but it goes well with a light brown sugar.
This is a weird tea to have as an everyday tea, but it’s a flavor sensation.
Flavors: Astringent, Drying, Mango, Muscatel, Sweet, Tart, White Grapes