Pure Camomile

Tea type
Herbal Tea
Not available
Hay, Pancake Syrup, Sweet, Thick, Herbs, Grass, Straw, Bitter, Floral, Lemon, Citrusy, Dry Grass, Sweet, Warm Grass
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Edit tea info Last updated by John Grebe
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 30 sec 2 g 9 oz / 277 ml

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22 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Happy Monday Steepsterites! I know I am definitely suffering from “a case of the Mondays” or maybe I am getting sick from the annoyingly fall weather we have been having here in NJ. It is hot...” Read full tasting note
  • “Wimpy and basically tasteles, so it goes well with food. Also helps with menstrual cramps and digestive upsets. The teabags can be used for a variety of purposes like soothing sore eyes or a patch...” Read full tasting note
  • “this is a tea i drink for comfort & to ease stomach aches. it’s very gentle, has a subtle floral flavour. i like it best with a wee splash of honey. it’s not an adventurous tea, but when your...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is a tea my mom got me a while ago that I haven’t tried yet. I brewed one bag in approximately one cup of boiling water (using a pre-warmed mug) for 5 minutes. The smell doesn’t seem too...” Read full tasting note

From Twinings

Camomile herb teas has long been a European favorite, with its light clean flavor and soothing effect. One of the most widely used herbs in the world today, camomile was first discovered by the Egyptians who dedicated it to their gods for its many useful properties. The Greeks also used camomile extensively, naming it “ground apple” for the apple-like aroma of the herb. Enjoy the soothing and calming benefits of Twinings Camomile Herbal Tea.

Pure Camomile, renowned for its calming and soothing properties, has been carefully selected to bring you a premium herbal tea that can help ease your spirits. Relax with its pure golden flavour, take in the floral aromas, and sit back and enjoy.

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22 Tasting Notes

243 tasting notes

Happy Monday Steepsterites! I know I am definitely suffering from “a case of the Mondays” or maybe I am getting sick from the annoyingly fall weather we have been having here in NJ. It is hot during the day (like need the air conditioning and a fan) and then cold at night (as pile on as many blankets and cats as you have to keep warm). That mixed with my hectic work and activity schedule means I am run down. I asked for some honey for one of my many other teas from my co-worker and was offered a bag of this to try and help. How could I refuse? I have never had this and might as well get a tasting note out of it.

Well I have never had “camomile” – I have had chamomile, but never on it’s own, always with green or black tea as an additive for soothing and comfort, never just straight.

The tea bag has literally no aroma. Nothing. I put it in my mug and poured some hot water over and waited. I allowed the bag to infuse for 5 minutes. Slightly grassy aroma, something like weeds and flowers on a warm spring day when all the flowers are blooming and you are overwhelmed with pollen. The flavor: Blech. This tastes like nothing. That’s not true, it tastes like something, I don’t know what, but not what I pictured. Leave the bag in the tea for another 5 minutes (10 minutes total). Now I am getting the grassy flavor, a little like the dandelions or other random flowers – nothing I would call tea (then again, I should not call it tea, it is herbal tea, meaning no actual tea). It is however soothing and calming, the throat pain is melting away, good, but the taste, I am going to have trouble drinking the rest of this…

Have no fear! I got honey for a reason, added a teaspoon to my tea. Now it tastes like warm honey followed immediately by the floral-grass taste. This is not much better, but just enough that I should be able to finish my mug, as for any energy from this, that is not going to happen, but as long as I feel better…

I will hold out on an actual rating because I do not like this, this is not something I would normally drink, but all of my senses might not be 100% either. Furthermore, if it actually soothes and calms and I feel better it would get a higher rating because it did what was advertised, so until then, enjoy!

8 min or more

Fresh chamomile has a strong floral, honeyed fragrance and a sweet flowery taste. If the chamomile is fresh the fragrance will be so strong that you’ll wish it would just go away. However, chamomile that is old tastes dull and grassy or sometimes like hay and smells like nothing. So it sounds as if you’ve tried old, stale chamomile. It is worth keeping an open mind to fresh new chamomile simply because it is a very different experience.

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67 tasting notes

Wimpy and basically tasteles, so it goes well with food. Also helps with menstrual cramps and digestive upsets. The teabags can be used for a variety of purposes like soothing sore eyes or a patch of itchy skin. They also make a nice SPLAT when you hurl them against a wall or at someone you particularly dislike.

4 min, 0 sec

Never considered the aerodynamic properties of used teabags before…but I may need to!

Rena Sherwood

The drier they are, the farther they fly — but they don’t make that nice SPLAT then.


Plus it’s no fun it you don’t get the leftover liquid splattered everywhere. ;)


So THAT’S how chamomile tea relieves stress!!!

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60 tasting notes

this is a tea i drink for comfort & to ease stomach aches. it’s very gentle, has a subtle floral flavour. i like it best with a wee splash of honey. it’s not an adventurous tea, but when your stomach needs soothing & your body feels icky, it’ll help. in Mexico, i drank manzanilla tea when the stomach turned.

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13 tasting notes

This is a tea my mom got me a while ago that I haven’t tried yet. I brewed one bag in approximately one cup of boiling water (using a pre-warmed mug) for 5 minutes. The smell doesn’t seem too strong; it’s about a third as strong as I remember the loose-leaf chamomile I drink being. Now, I did have a hunk of cheddar cheese about half an hour ago, so this might be affecting my taste, but it seems quite weak in terms of flavor as well. It definitely is light and clean, but it comes quite close to “drinking hot water” territory. Perhaps the flavor will become stronger as the tea cools.
As of now, I neither like it nor dislike it.

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1 tasting notes

Bought this when I went to London recently (Singapore has an abysmal range of teas available on the shelf, unless you go to a cafe) and I absolutely love it. I prefer mild flavors, and the Pure Camomile is very light and bouncy. Makes my afternoons in the office slightly more cheery!

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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2 tasting notes

Well I can’t compare it to other brands, but I think this is just lovely!

Really relaxing, a beautiful and soothing way to end a day. Tastes sort of like potatoes, if that makes any sense…

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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1647 tasting notes

I’ve not had a chamomile like this before so that’s cool. Honeyed straw aroma. Tastes like straw with typical chamomile floral and, I swear, fleeting citrus and a cooling sensation. Aftertaste stronger than the flavor. There is a drawback — I can taste the paper teabag and in the aftertaste, too.

Song pairing, perhaps my first to a nighttime cuppa chamomile:
Prince — Controversy

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 8 OZ / 236 ML

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87 tasting notes

I keep thinking to myself “wow, should it be this hot already?” and then I remember we’re in July. This year has just flown by so quickly.

Another camomile tea in my collection. I prefer the spelling chamomile so writing my entire review using camomile caused some eye twitching. But it’s the actual spelling Twinings use.

It was far better than anticipated. Most camomiles I’ve tried have been light with honey sweetness. But this was thick, syrupy and way more sweet than usual. It’s golden syrup with hay.

Reading the existing tasting notes for this, I think the key is to pick the individually foil-wrapped tea bags, rather than the whole box. It keeps the tea fresher and stronger. I’d definitely drink this tea again.


Flavors: Hay, Pancake Syrup, Sweet, Thick

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 30 sec 2 g 8 OZ / 250 ML

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2050 tasting notes

I would not rate, as I usually do not like camomile on it its own.

I guess it is okay tea. Aroma was nice, no funky notes, no unpleasant stuff. Colour was nice golden and quite clear. Bit of dust settled down the mug. Taste – well, just camomile, quite soothing . But it is camomile.

Flavors: Herbs

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 10 OZ / 300 ML

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2 tasting notes

As a few other members said, this tea tastes more grassy than anything. It may have a few flowery notes, but I can’t really taste them. Whenever I have a sip, I get an overwhelming flavour of straw – the stuff you would feed to horses and cattle.

I bought it because I wanted something easy to drink at night while I was studying and I guess it serves that purpose, but I will definitely not be getting it again. It’s barely drinkable with a generous spoonful of honey in my mug, and impossible to drink otherwise. It also leaves quite a dry feeling in my mouth.

Flavors: Grass, Hay, Straw

205 °F / 96 °C 8 min or more

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