Nepal 1st Flush Clonal Delight Black

Tea type
Black Tea
Black Tea Leaves
Citrus Fruits, Floral, Malt
Sold in
Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by K S
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 30 sec 3 g 8 oz / 236 ml

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From What-Cha

A well rounded smooth black tea with apricot tones, makes a great afternoon and evening tea.

We are proud to source all our Nepal teas direct from Greenland Organic Farm, who are very much at the forefront of a burgeoning Nepali tea industry dedicated to producing high quality artisanal teas. Greenland Organic Farm are completely pesticide and chemical free farm dedicated to producing tea in an ethical and fair manner. Greenland Organic Farm is located in East Nepal in the shadows of Mt. Kancghenjunga at an altitude of 3,000m.

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7 Tasting Notes

1403 tasting notes

To borrow from derk, this is an old ass tea. Perhaps three, moving on to four years old. That said, the packet had been unopened and reasonably well stored.

I steeped it with slightly cooled water to attempt to coax all the things.

Malt, a bit of citrus, and a bit of muscatel. A beautiful cup. The apricot is not showing up for me. Perhaps it has left the building altogether.


Unopened usually spells good things for me, despite age :)

Evol Ving Ness

Me too. And now that it is open, the pressure is on. :)

Evol Ving Ness

From Ms. Roswell Strange—
Basically, the use of “Clonal” means that the tea was grown from hybrid clones instead of seeds – it’s essentially controlling the tea breeding/growing to achieve specific qualities. With teas from India in particular, generally what is being bred for is a higher percentage of golden tips since the higher the percentage the higher the grade they can attribute to the tea. A higher grade generally means that they can sell for a significantly higher profit since there’s a perception that higher grade = higher quality. It’s sort of true that generally a higher grade is higher quality but since tea leaf grading ONLY describes the physical appearance of tea you can absolutely have lower grades that taste better than higher grades (plus taste is ultimately subjective anyway).

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4 tasting notes

Light in color, Light on the tongue. Crisp and if over steeped slightly astringent. I like the floral background and almost bergamot aftertaste. This one is a good tea for a rainy day.

Flavors: Citrus Fruits, Floral, Malt

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 6 OZ / 177 ML

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15596 tasting notes

not crazy about this one…but then i didn’t expect to be. there’s a slight bitterness to this cup and floral notes in the background. this is more fruity than muscat tasting… it’s sort of like apricot? i guess? sort of that vague fruity note that i get sometimes…never comes across as a specific for me. overall…“meh”

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369 tasting notes

This is a nice medium bodied black tea. It brewed up surprisingly dark after only 2min. The aroma is actually a bit floral, but the flavour is more fruity. A bit of drying sensation in the mouth by the end of the cup. Reminds me a bit of a 2nd flush darjeeling?

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec 3 g 10 OZ / 295 ML

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1719 tasting notes

I love black tea from Nepal. To me it takes the best of India and China black and combines them into one great cup. This one is smooth and malty like my favorite Yunnans. There is just enough fruity edge reminiscent of Assam to build interest without the gut hurting tannins (Or maybe they just don’t hurt me in Nepali teas like an Assam usually does). The taste, of this one at least, is only slightly Darjeeling like. Instead of the Muscat this one leans towards apricot. I don’t recall a single Nepali tea I have not liked. Maybe poor English but you know what I mean. This 1st flush one is very tasty. So much so I did not add sweetener.

My green tea powder arrived today! I can stop watching tracking and start mixing smoothies again – Yeah! (The ‘Yeah!’ is to be said with all the enthusiasm of Kermit the Frog)


Lol! Kermit! ;)


(flailing my flabby little green arms right along with you)


It isn’t easy being green ;)

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