This is most excellent tea.
I brewed this both GongFu style & Western style.
Western: I brewed it lightly @ 208 F for 2 minutes on the first infusion. There’s an aroma of rich honey and either a jasmine or orchid. The taste is similar. The honey taste is delicate but not overpowering and a very light touch of fruit with a very clean finish. The second infusion was similar to the first but a tad lighter. I want to try this again at a longer brew time.
Gongfu: First infusion @ 20 seconds/1TBSP/1 cup water @ 208F. Subsequent infusions @ 5-7 additional seconds. The honey & lychee aroma & taste stand out far more in this style of brewing. The flavors are more pronounced and distinct. It’s sweet but not overpoweringly so. This is an even more amazing tea brewed in the Chinese Gongfu style.
Flavors: Honey, Jasmine, Lychee