‘Tis the time of year for all the wonderful fresh harvest teas, and this is my first time trying some of the fresh spring stuff YS carries. I tried their mao feng last year later in the year and enjoyed it, so figured this would be a good one to try. I wasn’t wrong.
This mao feng has a sweet, vegetal aroma and flavor, and the liquor seriously pours almost clear. It is light and refreshing with an almost syrupy smoothness, and it makes the mouth water without being drying.
I find the flavors to get a bit more robust in steep 3, with appreciable umami and chestnut notes emerging, so I upped the temperature in steep four and five to pull out as much of that as I could before the leaves were spent. Very good, and very glad I got this fresh. I’ll be drinking it frequently and sharing it with tea friends and family for sure!
Flavors: Chestnut, Smooth, Sweet, Umami, Vegetal
Ooh man, I’ve got that one and some other fresh green tea coming in the mail; can’t wait!