84 Tasting Notes


i just got this in today and was VERY excited to try it. sadly i had to wait all day. the dry leaves smell very creamy and you can smell the candy bits. the color of the tea itself is a dark amber thats a bit murkey from the chocolate. usually i dont like chocolaty teas but wow this one is delicious! its probably because of the melted toffee. i can see this super stuffed package going quick :) all the flavors work very well with each other making it a very good flavored tea.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

as the tea cools it gets sweeter :) my fiancee made this for me in a 16oz mug so i have quite a bit of tea to be drinking. i feel like this will become a guilty pleasure :D (the tea not the 16 oz mug)


I don’t like toffee cuz I don’t like breaking my teeth on a chocolate bar, but it melts? Interesting…:)


Yay chocolate toffee tea!

@Cofftea: Where’s the fun in candy and treats if you don’t have to work for ’em? ;)

Dots anyone? Tasty but damn do those get stuck in your teeth.

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the scent of the dry leaves is VERY inviting, its sweet and floral with a hint of malty-ness. the tea smells less floral that the dry leaves. the tea is am amazing amber color. the flavor is nice, and peppery. i really like that peppery taste! the end flavor is a malty honey taste that rounds this tea out nicely. i added 1/2 of my normal sugar toit because the pepperyness is prefect for me. this is very good with a bit of cadbury milk chocolate :)

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Christmas by Adagio Teas
84 tasting notes

so sprained my ankle yesterday and ive been laying around like a bum after i got back from the doctors. my fiancee made me a cup of this with my lunch today. i remember liking this more when i first tried it….maybe its all the other amazing tea samples ive been trying that have made others seem a bit fake tasting. its still not bad but there is something about it i dont like. the scent is very cinnamon-y which gets me excited to take a sip but the flavor is a bit flat in the cinnamon department. its sweet in a splenda kind of way (i hate “diet” sweeteners and know too much medical stuff to ever voluntarily eat/drink it) i sadly couldn’t finish the cup because i got distracted and this tea is terrible cold

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

Eep. I think a sprained ankle calls for something happier. Make the most of bumming around while you can, but I hope your ankle heals quickly!


thanks :) i hope so too! crutches are no fun! :p my GM Nepalese afternoon tea w/ some cadbury chocolate is making it alot better :D

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this one is very sweet and candy like. you can taste the burnt sugar flavor in it mixed with the flavor of the tea. so far most of my GM samples have not disappointed me in the least! (besides that jasmine pearls) i don know if i will be getting a larger package of this but i will miss it when im looking for that burnt sugar flavor i love.

185 °F / 85 °C 4 min, 0 sec

Argh, this is the one sampler I no longer have and I never tasted. Some relatives came over during the holidays and I prepared this tea for them and they took the whole pot. And they complained that it smelled great, but lacked flavor. I’ll have to reorder this one day.


its a good one, deff a good sample. if ur a hardcore caramel fan than this one isnt going to satisfy but it has a very nice flavor to it.

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holy honey! its has that distinct honey flavor with the back note the pear taste. the tongue feel reminds me of a juicy pear as well. it smells so much like hot honey. im very happy with this sampler.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

Ain’t it delicious? :D Glad you liked it. I have to order a huge tin of this.


im slightly obsessed with honey so the fact that it tastes like real good honey is awesome. were out of honey so this is holding me over for right now lol. i may need to get more :D


Right? It did taste like real honey! I just wish the ripen pear smell wasn’t as strong.


You are drinking a lot of teas that I have or have drunk lately! YAY!


@Ricky yeah the dry leaves were gross smelling lol and it was a strong pear scent but it tasted too good :D

@teaplz some of your reviews did help me pick out samples :D


I’m really excited to try this. Gonna have to break into the GM sampler soon.


i was reading through the reviews for this one yesterday and was disappointed, i am glad you like it as i am planning on trying it with my GM sampler :)

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ok ive been wanting to try a jasmine tea for a while now and the sample was 0.99$ how could i go wrong? the leaves/balls smell nice they are not strong at all like i had expected them to be and there cute little pebbles :) they looked really cool opening up in the hot water. the smell of the wetl eaves and tea….they remind me of those foam tub toy blocks i had as a child that stick to the wall when their wet. i tasted it unsweetened and it had almost no flavor so i added my normal amount of sugar and well…it tastes like it smells…i dont think i like jasmine tea….i will try others because i dont want to compleatly close that door. the tea itself is yellow which i didnt expect either but it is very pretty.

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec

the future hubz LOVES this. he said it reminds him of his childhood when he used to eat the honeysuckle flowers at his home in VA.


Hrm. I’ve had pretty good experiences with a few jasmine pearl teas. I got my sampler pack of this in so I’ll give it a whirl soon and let you know how I think it stacks up? I’m not sure if the other GM sampler monkeys [teaplz, Ricky, and Auggy] have tried this yet.


:) i still wanna try a few more jasmine teas i just dont think this particular one is for me. im excited to see what you think :)


Now now, Auggy’s the real monkey :D * points at the pink monkey avatar *.

I haven’t tried any of the Jasmine samplers. I think Auggy needs to try this though, maybe this will be the 100/100 Jasmine :D

This one might cuddle with her at night instead of stabbing her with a spoon :D

I’ve only really had Adagio’s Jasmine Pearl, and that one’s a bit light if I recall, if you want some let me know. Though that might push you even further away from Jasmine Pearl =(


:) sure im willing to try any tea once ([email protected] is my email). the F.H. wont stop raving about this one he keeps going “mmm” after every sip lol


@ Kitch3ntools – if you and the future hubby like honeysuckle, you should try the Ancient Yellow Buds that I tried out this morning. Very honeysuckle-y.


I haven’t tried this one, but I did try the straight Jasmine, and I really liked it a lot. Very strong, sweet, juicy, and floral!


@LENA ill have to take a look at that! thnx :D


I think the only GM Jasmine I’ve tried is the vanilla and I didn’t like it, but normally I LOVE jasmine. I have a couple I could send you if you want to try (Teavana’s Jasmine Oolong, Lupicia’s Jasmin Mandarin, Harney’s Dragon Pearls).


ok this is the 3rd time im posting this lol these comments keep getting screwy

denisend id love to try those :) (kitch3ntoolsgmail.com is my email)


Hah, either you need an < / a > in there [hope this posts correctly] or something weird happened and the auto-formatting didn’t work. I wasn’t aware that this took html.

Excuse my deleting. I was testing. Anyhow, HTML failed. Apparently it doesn’t.


And yet it totally absorbed the < /poop > I tacked on the end of that. Hmm.

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wow is this chocolaty! its a dark murky tea but the amount is chocolate pieces in the dry leaves is like looking into a bag of trail mix. the dry leaves smell like baking chocolate! the wet leaves dont really smell all that interesting. with this unsweetened it tastes like bittersweet drinking chocolate mixed with tea. i dont get a cream taste. i prefer milk chocolate so im not sipping this as fast as i thought i would. ill finish my sample but i dont hink i will be ordering more

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

ok im at the bottom of this cup now and…well….its gritty from the melted chocolate…its kinda gross! ill drink it anyway as i hate wasting tea

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the only reason this didnt get a 100 is because i wanted more watermelon flavor but its amazing! The dry leaves didnt smell too good and reminded me of adagios white pear so i was a bit confused. as soon as i poured water over the leaves it was all melon! <3 the scent of the tea is honeydew and watermelon rind where the taste is cantaloupe with the tea flavor. i LOVE melons all kinds so this is like a nice winter treat! i will more than likely buy a bigger container of this but i have 1 cup left in my sample so we will see (and i plan to resteep the leaves i used for this cup) every time i sip i find more things i like about this!! :D

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

This is a watermelon flavored tea? YAY! Most melon teas I find are musk or honeydew melon.


It’s not watermelon-flavored. At all. Definitely more honeydew/cantaloupe, with a white tea flavor. There is a watermelon scent though, which is what Kitch3ntools meant.

Glad you liked this one though! :) It’s definitely delicious if you love melon.


i resteeped this last night…it was more white tea less flavoring. it was good, i just wanted that melon flavor again :) sadly i didnt get to finish the cup because i spilled it on my cellphone >.< i was being EXTRA clumsy all day yesterday so im really not surprised.

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im speechless! this tea is amazing! it is liquid cookie! the scent you can pick up the cinnamon but also the almond. no flavor over powers the other they play along with each other nicely. its very sweet but i like that alot :)

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

Yay for cookie tea!


OMG YAY! Love this one! The taste at the end of this one is so cookie-like!


:D yeah it is! it is probably one of the most accurately named flavored tea i have ever had!

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it smells and tastes like candy. its very sweet on its own. its a very comforting flavor. the caramel is subtle but up front where the black tea flavor is strong but smooth. i dont think i will purchase a larger package but i will finish this sample with a smile :D

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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i never really know what to write in these things :)
im a 24 year old tea lover :D i started my tea venture only 2 years ago and haven’t gone further than adagio’s loose leaf. this website has opened up my eyes to many different websites and brands that i look forward to trying. any suggestions are very welcomed!
i live with my fiancee and cat Zoie. im a full time student working towards my RN. ive worked at a dog kennel for over a year and have been in the air national guard for almost 6 years now.


North Western corner of CT

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