drank Earl Grey Cream by Camellia Sinensis
871 tasting notes

From the Great Canadian TTB.

I am not sure if this was meant to be. I could not, for the life of me, find this tea on steepster, I also had trouble finding it on the Camellia Sinensis website. So I added it. So this note might be in the wrong place. I am not sure what’s going on at the moment. Its supposed to blizzard today, it hasn’t started storming yet, but my boss called me and told me to just stay home today so I don’t get storm stayed anywhere. So now I am a bit out of sorts because I am ready to go but no where to go. I don’t like it when my schedule it all messed up. HA. I shouldn’t be complaining, its basically a paid day to stay home and drink tea all day :D

This tea smells strongly of vanilla. The brewed tea is a light black base, but the bergamot is moderately strong. There is definitely a strong caramel and vanilla flavour. As it cools, the caramel is getting quite bitter. But while hot, it was super delicious.

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 0 sec

I remember many a morning where my wife would stand between me and the door and beg me not to go. My boss was not as concerned with the safety of his employees as yours. Stay warm, safe, and full of tea.


Thanks KS. Because I sometimes have to travel for work, one of the conditions in my contract is if the roads are bad I do not have to go and I still get paid for a “snow day”, if I would get storm stayed my work would pay for a hotel. My bosses are awesome that they are concerned about me travelling. I am the type of person that will always try to go though, so I think my boss woke up this early morning just to text me not to go. The weather people have been forecasting a blizzard for about 4 days now. (Because I didn’t go to work, it probably won’t happen though).


Lucky! I am at work..not sure how I will get home, it’s snowing and blowing and nasty here..supposed to get up to 30 cm of snow! :( if it’s coming your way, watch out!


wow, that is awesome that you have such a considerate boss!

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I remember many a morning where my wife would stand between me and the door and beg me not to go. My boss was not as concerned with the safety of his employees as yours. Stay warm, safe, and full of tea.


Thanks KS. Because I sometimes have to travel for work, one of the conditions in my contract is if the roads are bad I do not have to go and I still get paid for a “snow day”, if I would get storm stayed my work would pay for a hotel. My bosses are awesome that they are concerned about me travelling. I am the type of person that will always try to go though, so I think my boss woke up this early morning just to text me not to go. The weather people have been forecasting a blizzard for about 4 days now. (Because I didn’t go to work, it probably won’t happen though).


Lucky! I am at work..not sure how I will get home, it’s snowing and blowing and nasty here..supposed to get up to 30 cm of snow! :( if it’s coming your way, watch out!


wow, that is awesome that you have such a considerate boss!

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I am a lifetime tea lover.

I did foray into the world of coffee for a period of time, but I returned to my true love. I still, however, enjoy a good cup of java.

My all time favorite tea is Earl Grey, which I drink every morning, the stronger the bergamot the better. I definitely prefer natural oil of bergamot to artificial flavouring.

I mostly like black and dark oolong teas. My current favs are Fujian blacks, Keemun and Assams, and Wuyi oolongs. I gravitate towards anything with lychee in it. I also drink a lot of herbal blends but am wary of hibiscus. I do not favour mate, or pu’erh tea, although I have found a few blends that I like. (I so badly want to like straight pu’erh tea but it all tastes gross to me. I keep trying though). Rooibos, green and white teas fall somewhere in the middle. I find myself gravitating towards heavily roasted oolongs and teas from Paris/France based companies.

I love iced teas and cold brews.

My current tea goal is to make the perfect cup of chai from scratch – almost there…I think.

I am in love with the whole experience of tea.


Saskatchewan, CANADA

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