SIPDOWN! soooo this basically tastes like laoshan black to me lol. I’d have to do a side by side comparison as i’m sure there are differences that my immature tea mouth can’t pick up. soooo this is tasty delicious, but i’m not sure i’d add this to my cupboard given the similarities for me.
pfffft nope. I need a new computer so getting my reviews up and checking fb, or the occasional tv show is about the best my lenovo can manage atm. sad but true!
Oh wow I didn’t even know that was a thing :/
haha silly goose. clearly you aren’t visiting verdant site daily for your rewards
pfffft nope. I need a new computer so getting my reviews up and checking fb, or the occasional tv show is about the best my lenovo can manage atm. sad but true!
I’ve already visited 3 times today! :)