Alright so basically any company that comes out with a rhubarb/strawberry rhubarb tea, I will buy it.
I guess I like rhubarb way more than I thought, or maybe It’s the strawberry rhubarb pie connection.
Oh my the packaging for these teas are just so cute. And the im a teabird stickers (they should sell those).
Dry & steeped this is so freshly cooked rhubarb.
I’m getting entirely a cup of cooked rhubarb & that is totally fine woth me. Oh this is so good. Might even be better than DAVIDs strawberry rhubarb parfait. And I don’t taste the rooibos which is a huge bonus.
As this cools more to room temp it becomes way more creamy& custardey, but far less like rhubarb. Still wonderfully delicious.
Try it iced! :O