Triple Creamy

Tea type
Black Tea
Coconut, Dark Chocolate, White Chocolate
Cardboard, Cream, Chocolate, Coconut
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Edit tea info Last updated by Sil
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec 14 oz / 414 ml

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10 Tasting Notes

1759 tasting notes

Cardboard? Yeah I kinda see it. but I don’t hate it.
Something about vanilla and coconut always has that profile, in my mind anyhow.
A dash of milk and a teeny bit of sugar make it uber creamy.
So while I wouldn’t run out and buy out the shop of this one… I wouldn’t turn down another cup! :)
Also, I don’t see much chocolate here. Or maybe that kind of chocolate that’s been so washed out that it tastes more like vanilla!!


Mmm, vanilla cardboard. :P


lol you never know it could be the next big thing :D

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87 tasting notes

SSTTB Take 3!

Not sure what it is, but something makes my tongue say NOPE! I’ll finish the cup, but this one is not for me. Ick.

Thanks but no thanks.

Bear With Me

Ended up dumping the last 1/3 of the cup. Nope nope nope.


This sounds so promising…


Sil “made” me get it. When I asked for recommendations, she mentioned it. Better as a latte!

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1501 tasting notes

The SSTTB got this into my hands, and while the concept was lovely? It tasted kinda, sorta like creamy cardboard. Not that I know what that actually tastes like…

Flavors: Cardboard, Cream

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

It’s better as a latte, but you’re right, it’s not the best.


LOL, “Cardboard” is the first flavor listed on the page for this tea now!


Blech, duly noted.

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1598 tasting notes

I had a cup of this today and it was good but not as good as TRIPLE CHOCOLATE should be. Maybe it’s just me. I sent the last of it off to Shadowfall for a second opinion. :)


Agreed! This is what Triple Chocolate should be like (if I’m in Sweden, this is the birthday cake I ask for):


Ooo. That’s a pretty cake!


It tastes even better than it looks – now we have to find a tea to match, though. Cavo, are you Triple Choc Tea Odyssey team leader?


Wait, you want me to find the best triple chocolately things I can find? Haha. sounds like the BEST job.


Yes. Only the best for you because <3.


Lol. I’ll do my best for a good review. XD

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15534 tasting notes

hello friends… i’m sort of back. Moving and work have occupied much of my time the past week and i haven’t had much time to log or drink much tea. we have internet at home now, so that’s good news…however not being able to drink tea much has meant that my cupboard has imploded. I’m currently sitting at 242 with 2 orders and at least 1 swap still in bound. eep! Catching up on drinking notes, though only doing a few for the teas that i tried that were new or that i did something a little different with, as in the case of this one…which i finally made as a latte…and THAT ladies and gentlemen…is the way to drink this. Sooo much more yummy and delicious this way!


Welcome back – hopefully the moving has gone well! :)


it was good! but now there’s lots to do..but so much more room and we’ll need to look at painting since that didn’t get done before the move. heh.


Are you in a house or apartment? Lots of room sounds nice!


3 bedroom apartment :) but it’s big enough now i can’t yell from the other room and have my other half hear me lol


Oh, that is nice!! A three bedroom is great. I’m in a house but it is old and always so much work it seems…I’ve been thinking of big apartments lately. :)


We are moving soon too… and procrastinating on the packing. I just want it to be over with!


i love moving… but there was a kerfuffle with the apartment and keys and stuff which made it more painful than it should have been.

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2291 tasting notes

Made this morning, with cream. It’s a general sort of creamy chocolatey mildly coconutty tea. More chocolate because I added some Crio Bru to the steeping basket, which was nice.

I had it with a dollop of cream.

I don’t think I’ll get it again. It’s not bad, but it’s not something I always want to drink, like either Creme Brulee or Divine Temptation…

Flavors: Chocolate, Coconut

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 18 OZ / 532 ML



And yet you suggested it anyways! :P


yes but i’d had it like once! and it’s good….just not ZOMG DRINK THIS NAAAAAO plus my sweet spot with this is latte..and i really enjoy that


Haha. :D It’s OK. I’ll share some of it with the world.


What is Crio Bru?


Interesting. Do you make it in its own or just add to teas and coffees?


I’ve done all. It is interesting, but I probably wouldn’t buy it again. It clogs paper filters, and I don’t have a Bodum for coffee right now.

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1394 tasting notes

This one is creamy, but the other flavours seem to just amalgamate. It’s a tasty tea, but I’m having trouble differentiating chocolates and coconut. All in all, a tasty tea.

I think I may work on some sipdowns next, because the teas literally cannot fit in my cupboard at this point, so I need to make room and get creative about fitting teas in.


Is this tea strongly flavoured though, do you think? is it creamy?


It’s creamy, but I wouldn’t say strongly flavoured. But not weakly flavoured, like you’re searching for flavour either. There’s flavour there, but it’s not overwhelming.


Do you also get “yelled at” for having your tea take over the kitchen? Haha.


Hmmm, interesting.


Haha hope you were successful!

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